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Yao, Shun, Yue, Ch'eng T'ang, Wen Wang, Wu Wang, Chou Kung, Chao Kung, Confucius, Mencius, T'ung Hu, Han Hsin, Chou Tzu, Ch'eng Tzu, Chu Tzu and Chang Tzu were ordained to see light in an auspicious era.

Hau-ki was the same as Khi, who appears in Part II of the Shu as Minister of Agriculture to Yao and Shun, and co-operating with Yue in his labours on the flooded land. The name Hau belongs to him as lord of Thai; that of Ki, as Minister of Agriculture.

"What time did you come over?" then inquired Mrs. Chou of Chih Neng. "Where is that bald-pated and crotchety superior of yours gone?" "We came," explained Chih Neng, "as soon as it was day; after calling upon madame Wang, my superior went over to pay a visit in the mansion of Mr. Yue, and told me to wait for her here." "Have you received," further asked Mrs.

He does not mean to confine the work of Yue to that part of the country; but, on the other hand, there is nothing in his language to afford a confirmation to the account given in the third Part of the SU of that hero's achievements.

"Go and tell your mother," Madame Wang thereupon said to Yue Ch'uan-erh, "to fetch your elder sister away." Chin Ch'uan-erh, at these words, speedily fell on her knees. With tears in her eyes: "I won't venture to do it again," she pleaded. "If you, Madame, wish to flog me, or to scold me do so at once, and as much as you like but don't send me away.

Ying Erh expressed her readiness and left the apartment, in company with Yue Ch'uan-erh. "How can you carry it, so very hot as it is, the whole way there?" observed Ying Erh. "Don't distress yourself!" rejoined Yue Ch'uan smiling. "I know how to do it."

There is here a recognition of the work of the great Yue, as the real founder of the kingdom of China, extending the territory of former elective chiefs, and opening up the country. 'The southern hill' bounded the prospect to the south from the capital of Kau, and hence the writer makes mention of it.

As luck would have it, the two girls Pao-Kuan, who filled the role of young men and Yue Kuan, who represented young women, were in the I Hung court enjoying themselves with Hsi Jen, when rain set in and they were prevented from going back, so in a body they stopped up the drain to allow the water to accumulate in the yard.

Even in the 'Kuang Yue Chi', you will see that not only are numerous tombs of the sage Kuan spoken of, but that bygone persons of note are assigned tombs not few in number. But there are many more relics of antiquity, about which no testimony can be gathered.

"My dear girl," he said, as he gave way to entreaties, "bring that soup and let me taste it!" "I've never been in the habit of feeding people," Yue Ch'uan-erh replied. "You'd better wait till the others return; you can have some then." "I don't want you to feed me," laughed Pao-yue. "It's because I can't move about that I appeal to you. Do let me have it!