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There they sat upon the rocks, sitting as the gods sit, with their right hands uplifted, and having the power of gods, only none came to worship. Thither came no ships nigh them, nor ever at evening came the prayers of men, nor smell of incense, nor screams from the sacrifice. Then said the Yozis: "Of what avails it that we be gods if no one worship us nor give us sacrifice?"

But the baboons leered fiercely at the Yozis and would have none of them for gods. One said that prayers hindered the eating of nuts.

And Snyrg replied: "Ye, too?" The men answered: "For we worship the things that have been and all the years that were. Divinely have they helped us, therefore we give them worship that is their due." And the Yozis answered the people: "We be gods of the present and return good things for worship."

And the Yozis sailed away and cursed towards Agrodaun, but could not hurt him, for he was but a mountain. And the Yozis sailed along the coast till they came to a river running to the sea, and they sailed up the river till they came to a people at work, who furrowed the soil and sowed, and strove against the forest.

And Ya, the Lord of malice, swore that when those years should come, they should see whether it were well for them to have snatched away the worship from three Yozis. And still the Yozis sailed, for they said: "It were better to be birds and have no air to fly in, than to be gods having neither prayers nor worship."

Ya, Ha, and Snyrg were these three Yozis, the lords of evil, madness, and of spite. When they crept from their galleons and stole over Pegana's silent threshold it boded ill for the gods.

These words the Yozis read, and sped away in dread lest the gods should wake, and going aboard their galleons, bade the rowers haste. Thus the Yozis became gods, having the power of gods, and they sailed away to the earth, and came to a mountainous island in the sea.

Then sat each Yozi on his galleon's prow, and leered with his eyes upon the city, so that the music stopped and the dancing ceased, and all looked out to sea at the strange shapes of the Yozis beneath their silver sails.

Then the Yozis called to the people as they worked in the fields: "Give us your worship and ye shall have many joys." But the people answered: "We may not worship you." Then answered Snyrg: "Ye also, have ye a god?" And the people answered: "We worship the years to come, and we set the world in order for their coming, as one layeth raiment on the road before the advent of a King.

Still the three Yozis lusted for the worship of men, and came, on the third night of their sailing, to a city's lights; and nearing the shore they found it a city of song wherein all folks rejoiced.