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When the living cling to you, then you must put the dead aside for the living. God cares for the dead and they hev all they want in His care. If you feel that you must fret youself useless to either living or dead, try the living. They'll mostly give you every reason for fretting." "John has quite forgotten poor little Martha."

"I have saved you from being ill-used once, and I will again; and I do now," she said, "for those who would have fetched you if I had not, would have been far more rough than me. Remember this, and don't let me suffer more for you just now. If I could help you, I would; but I have not the power. I have promised for your being quiet; if you are not, you will harm youself and perhaps be my death.

"Did you do it?" he asked, winking at the rest, "when you took a brave start wid myself across Crockaniska, one summer Sunday night, long ago. Be me sowl, you proved youself as supple as a two-year-old cleared, drain and ditch like a bird and had me, when we reached my uncle's, that the ayes wor startin' out o' my head." "Bad scran to him, the ould slingpoker!

Sir: I have received your note of the 5th instant, calling my attention to the correspondence between youself and General Grant, as published in the Chronicle of yesterday, especially to that part of it which relates to what occurred at the Cabinet meeting on Tuesday the 14th ultimo, and requesting me to state what was said in the conversation referred to.

But do not flatter youself by the hope that the income will be magnificent. My own annuity is but trifling, and the half of the dowry I expect from my future father-in-law, is all that I can at present obtain. The whole of that dowry is insignificant as a sum. But if this does not suffice for you, I must beg or borrow elsewhere."

But you invite is de fust, Missa Qui, and it is hard to desist de attraction ob Miss Rosa and youself, and I will do myself de honor to wait on you. Sorry, howebber to disappoint Missa Tracy." Primus had now embarked on the full tide of his garrulity, and casting out of mind his regret for not being able to accept the imaginary invitation to Mr.

Winston the light, Ben followed him into his room and busied himself in doing little nothings about the stove and wash-stand. "Let me unbutton your straps, sir," said he, stooping down and commencing on the buttons, which he was rather long in unclosing. "I know, sir, dat you Southern gentlemen ain't used to doing dese yer things for youself.

"I fear you won't get the broken law to look at it in that light, Ebony." "Broken law! what does I care for de broken law? But tell me, massa, hab you make up you's mind to gib youself up?" "I have," returned Rosco sadly. "Quite sure an' sartin'?" "Quite," returned Rosco, with a faint smile at the poor negro's persistency. "Well, den, you come an' hab a last ride on my back.

You hear what de officer say? You go round. No move. 'Fanqua! You not ashamed of youself? You not hear de officer say he turn a steam-pipe over you? No move. And so on, through every conceivable tone of expression. But Fanqua did not move; and the officer and bystanders laughed. She summoned all her talents, and uttered one last 'Fanqua! which was a triumph of art.

"It is an awful place," she said faintly. "Yes, it am a awrful good place," said Dinah, with satisfaction. "Not easy to find you yar; an' if dey did git dis lengt' widout breakin' dere legs, dere's a nice leetil hole yar what you could git in an' larf to youself." She led the poor girl to the other end of the room, where, in a recess, there was a boarded part of the wall.