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"Ye can git a parrut, man—a grane parrutto kape ye coompany while ye’re aiting—" Simpson interrupted with an oath. "Don’t be hard on old Simmy; remember he’s studied for the ministry! How did I savey that Simpson aimed to be a sharp on doctrine?" A cow-puncher with a squint addressed the table in general.

Such help was always given, because no commander could be sure when he might need help himself. "I agree," the Connie commander said with obvious reluctance. "You may send a boat." MacFife’s Scotch burr broke in. "Federation SCN Aquila to Consolidation Sixteen. Mister, my instruments are off scale, too. I’ll just send them along to ye and ye can check them while ye’re doing the Sagittarius!"

As they drew nigh, one of them shouted to me, ‘Wha are ye, man? are ye o’ the Auld Toon?’ I made no answer. ‘Ha! ye are o’ the New Toon; De’il tak ye, we’ll moorder ye’; and the next moment a huge stone sung past my head. ‘Let me be, ye fule bodies,’ said I, ‘I’m no of either of ye, I live yonder aboon in the Castle.’ ‘Ah! ye live in the Castle; then ye’re an auld tooner; come gie us your help, man, and dinna stand there staring like a dunnot, we want help sair eneugh.

"I’m the commander," the scowling Connie said. "Bring your instruments in quickly. We will check them, then you get out." "Ye’re no verra friendly," MacFife said, his burr even more pronounced. He led Rip and the officer with the instruments into the Connie ship.