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Then to cast your eye over so many different establishments at once, and rapidly compare thorn, here a house of gentility, with shady old yellow-leaved elms hanging around it; there a new little white dwelling; there an old farm-house; to see the barns and sheds and all the out-houses clustered together; to comprehend the oneness and exclusiveness and what constitutes the peculiarity of each of so many establishments, and to have in your mind a multitude of them, each of which is the most important part of the world to those who live in it, this really enlarges the mind, and you come down the hill somewhat wiser than you go up.

As they hurried on through the scented woods, past quiet fields, between yellow-leaved hedges, the evening sky growing duskier and the beckoning star lighter, they remembered Mr. Twist's extraordinary kindness, his devoted and unfailing care, with the warmest feelings of gratitude and affection. Even Anna-Felicitas felt warm.

Their eyes were upon the far end of the deep lot, where, at the edge of one of the pieces of woodland spoken of, a picturesque group of men and boys, in frocks and broad-brimmed white hats, were busied in filling their wagon under a clump of the now thin and yellow-leaved butternut trees. "The scoundrel!" said Mr. Ringgan, under his breath.

There was a might of poesy after all. There were words in the little yellow-leaved garland, nestling like a bird in my hand, that would outlast the bank yonder, and outlive us all. I held it up. How tiny it seemed, how frail amid all this stone and iron! A mere flower a flower from the seventeenth century long-lived for a flower! Yes, an immortelle.

Leaves are not falling from the trees yet, and the sky smiles on the city lovingly; but when the grapevines grow yellow-leaved, when snow falls on the Alban hills, and the gods visit the Campania with piercing wind, who knows but I may remove with my entire household to my quiet country-seat?" "Wouldst thou leave Rome?" inquired Vinicius, with sudden alarm.

His black skull cap, and his big hooked nose, and the yellow-leaved, worm-eaten books of magic: all doubts were now removed that for hours he would sit poring over through owlish gold-rimmed spectacles! Victor's French was coming back to him. He was anxious to know if Malvina had ever met Sir Launcelot "to talk to." A little cloud gathered upon Malvina's face.

Nor should one ever eat without a seventeenth-century poet in an old yellow-leaved edition upon the table, not to be read, of course, any more than the flowers are to be eaten, but just to make music of association very softly to our thoughts. Some diners have wine too upon the table, and in the pauses of thinking what a divine mystery dinner is, they eat.

They forsook the creeks where the yellow-leaved aspens fluttered their myriad little gleaming banners; they made slow, zigzag work of climbing a flinty-sided mountain; they looked back upon green meadow and gay poplar grove far below; they galloped their horses across a wide table-land over which shrilled the wind, already sharpened by the season for the work it had to do before many weeks passed.

The alterations are usually for the better. The daffodil is not an aquatic plant, as the poet seems to assert in the first form "The yellow-leaved water-lily, The green sheathed daffodilly, Tremble in the water chilly, Round about Shalott." Nobody can prefer to keep "Though the squally east wind keenly Blew, with folded arms serenely By the water stood the queenly Lady of Shalott."

He was particularly fond of early editions, tall copies, and unique works. "Wonderful!" he cried, tapping his forehead. "Wonderful wonderful!" It was one of those yellow-leaved volumes now rarely found on stalls, and to me it appeared to possess but little value. My uncle, however, was in raptures.