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The steep slopes on which they grow allow almost every individual tree, with its peculiarities of form and color, to be seen like an audience on seats rising above one another the blue-green, sharply tapered spires of the Menzies spruce, the warm yellow-green Mertens spruce with their finger-like tops all pointing in the same direction, or drooping gracefully like leaves of grass, and the airy, feathery, brownish-green Alaska cedar.

But it seemed curious that flies should not be more numerous than usual; they are dying now fast enough, except a few of the large ones, that still find some sugar in the flowers of the ivy. The finest show of ivy flower is among some yew trees; the dark ivy has filled the dark yew tree, and brought out its pale yellow-green flowers in the sombre boughs.

He was there you must take my word for it just two faintly luminous yellow-green lamps floating on the mist. Not many men knew their way across the marsh by day; certainly not five even of the oldest wildfowlers could have got over safely by night. It was not man, therefore, that was causing the cat to melt into the short, salt grass, so closely that there was nothing of him left.

The eyes were bestial, yellow-green, the pupils dilating and narrowing with sharp swiftness as they sought about among the lights and glooms of the room. Cocky knew danger at the first glimpse danger to the uttermost of violent death. Yet Cocky did nothing. No panic stirred his heart.

It revealed to him the certainty of his theory that she had imagined the little Benedict to be his child. No further proof that the postcard was a forgery was really needed, but he would see her once more and obtain extra confirmation. His yellow-green eyes gleamed in a curious way as he stood looking at the mutilated picture.

Or even to the best of these farmers?" The girl looked away over the shimmering lake of yellow-green corn. A choking came into her throat. Her gloved hand trembled. "What is such a life worth? It's all very comfortable for us to say, 'They don't feel it. How do we know what they feel? What do we know of their capacity for enjoyment of art and music? They never have leisure or opportunity.

Perhaps thereafter she may bear you through the immense silence of drenched rice-fields, where the yellow-green level is broken at long intervals by the black silhouette of some irrigating machine; but, whichever of the five different routes be pursued, you will find yourself more than once floating through sombre mazes of swamp-forest, past assemblages of cypresses all hoary with the parasitic tillandsia, and grotesque as gatherings of fetich-gods.

A moment later the head of a huge lion framed in a great black mane appeared in the opening. The yellow-green eyes glared, round and unblinking, straight at the trespassing Tarmangani, a low growl rumbled from the deep chest, and lips curled back to expose the mighty fangs.

Again and again he slipped back, losing all that he had gained, while the lion kept steadily at his climbing, coming ever closer and closer to the ape-man. Tarzan could see the hungry light in the yellow-green eyes. He could see the slaver on the drooping jowls, and the great fangs agape to seize and destroy him.

"Those bushes, numerous everywhere, with the hanging yellow-green balls, those, in bark and root, go into fever medicines. They are not so much used now, but sometimes I have a call, and when I do, I pass the beds on my on our land, and come down here and get what is needed. That bush," he indicated with the whip, "blooms exquisitely in the spring.