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"Ye-s? So 'ud Bishop Polk say. Got a different Lord down thar? 'S likely. Henry Wise used to talk of the 'God of Virginia." "Was a fellow," said Nabbes, nursing one foot, "that set me easy about my soul, and the thing. A chaplain in Congress: after we took down that bitter Mason and Slidell pill, it was.

He did not believe, he often said, in feeling sad over things you could not help. "Perhaps we will see him again. You would know him, wouldn't you, Sunny Boy, if you should see him on the street?" "Ye-s, I guess I would," answered Sunny Boy. "His coat was ripped in the back and where it didn't button, and he wore a blue sweater with green buttons. I would know the green buttons, Grandpa."

"Now first," ordered Margaret, giving her skirt a very effective but unnecessary hitch, "first we sort the clothes." "Ye-s " agreed Julia. "But h-o-w?" "Why just sort them, of course," evaded Margaret. "Into nice neat little heaps," offered Cleo, stretching out a sheet on the narrow floor, and thereby doing deadly damage to the white muslin.

Betty thrust her hand into the pocket of her sweater and pulled out the crumpled paper that Libbie had shaken out of the bottle that morning. "Were they all written on this same kind of paper?" asked Bob, reading the note. "Ye-s, that is, I think so," hesitated Betty. "I really haven't noticed. Why?" "Because I don't think any man wrote this," announced Bob confidently.

"Why, ye-s. Yes, of course. But we'll have to wait so long. Six months before the first interest falls due." "Yes maybe longer." "Longer, Aleck? Why? Don't they pay half-yearly?" "THAT kind of an investment yes; but I sha'n't invest in that way." "What way, then?" "For big returns." "Big. That's good. Go on, Aleck. What is it?" "Coal. The new mines. Cannel. I mean to put in ten thousand.

Is this where somebody needs help? I was told " Miss Theodosia laughed outright. "I do need help. Were you ever a steam whistle? You put two fingers in your mouth, one in each corner I was trying to get up my courage to do it!" The felt hat rolled down the steps, the stranger needing both his hands. "Like this?" "Ye-s. I never saw a steam whistle, you know. That was what I was wishing."

So then he got Nerida to sew another half turn in red to the loop of the P, and thereby made it into a B. "That'll do fine," he said to Denison. "Bob Packenham' instead of 'Robert Packenham, eh?" "Ye-s," answered, Denison thoughtfully, "I daresay it will be all right."

And good lads they were, too." "Were you actually going yonder to tell on them?" He didn't quite know how to take that; but he said, hesitatingly: "Ye-s." "Then I think you are a damned scoundrel!" It made him as glad as if I had called him an angel. "Say the good words again, brother! for surely ye mean that ye would not betray me an I failed of my duty." "Duty?

But I, as your teacher, feel at liberty to ask you whatever questions I choose, and you are perfectly justified in answering them." "Ye-s, I believe you are right on that point," Katherine thoughtfully returned. "But I would not willfully disobey the professor in any way. I owe him perfect loyalty as long as I am a pupil in his school, and I mean to yield it to him."

Get your feet off to one side so that you won't get mixed up with the saddle. And keep your head above the water." "Ye-s," she answered tremulously, dreading the ordeal, dreading still more the thought of her appearance when she would finally reach the bank.