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And a month after only the name reminded one of merry Yamskaya Street; of the riotous, scandalous, horrible Yamkas. However, even the name of the street was soon replaced by another, more respectable one, in order to efface even the memory of the former unpardonable times.

True, on Yamskaya Street there happen various scandals and fights and misunderstandings. But that's there ... in these ... in the rouble establishments. The Russian girls drink a lot and always have one lover. And they do not think at all of their future." "You are prudent, Elsa," said Rovinskaya in an oppressed tone. "All this is well. But, what of the chance disease? Infection?

He comes to me, the scoundrel, and declares: 'Papa, the pupils swear at me, because you are a policeman, and because you serve on Yamskaya, and because you take bribes from brothels. Well, tell me, for God's sake, Madam Shoibes, if that isn't effrontery?" "Ai, ai, ai! ... And what bribes can there be? Now with me..."

On the way to Yamskaya Street Rovinskaya said to Chaplinsky: "You'll bring me at first into the most luxurious place, then into a medium one, and then into the filthiest." "My dear Ellena Victorovna," warmly retorted Chaplinsky, "I'm ready to do everything for you.

A long, long time ago, long before the railroads, the stage-drivers both government and private used to live, from generation to generation, at the very farthest confine of a large southern city. And that is why the entire region was called the Yamskaya Sloboda the Stage-drivers' Borough; or simply Yamskaya, or Yamkas Little Ditches, or, shorter still, Yama The Pit.

The most chic establishment is that of Treppel, the first house to the left upon entering Great Yamskaya. This is an old firm. Its present owner bears an entirely different name, and fills the post of an elector in the city council and is even a member of the city board.

At Treppel's three roubles are taken for a visit, and for the whole night, ten. Three of the two-rouble establishments Sophie Vassilievna's, The Old Kiev, and Anna Markovna's are somewhat worse, somewhat poorer. The remaining houses on Great Yamskaya are rouble ones; they are furnished still worse.

Towards the end of the nineteenth century both streets of Yama Great Yamskaya and Little Yamskaya proved to be entirely occupied, on one side of the street as well as the other, exclusively with houses of ill-fame. Of the private houses no more than five or six were left, but even they were taken up by public houses, beer halls, and general stores, catering to the needs of Yama prostitution.

"All right; but how can you prove this?" and again he would mentally cut himself short. The city common began, on which cows were browsing; a board sidewalk along a fence; shaky little bridges over little brooklets and ditches. Then he turned into the Yamskaya. In the house of Anna Markovna all the windows were closed with shutters, with openings, in the form of hearts, cut out in the middle.

It would have been possible to turn to the left through it, and that would have been almost half as short; but dead people were not usually carried through Yamskaya.