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"Yess'm, that same ole hen, blame her fool soul! She's mo' bother'n she's wuf. I 'clare, ever' time I takes them er' chickens out fer a walk that ole Sar' Ann hen, she boun' fer to go off by herse'f somewheres, she's that briggotty; an' first thing I knows, dar she is in trouble again low down, no 'count thing, I say!" "Poor old Sarah!" said Mary Ellen.

And so, though he was only a yellow dog and small and weak, Wienerwurst barked bravely and tried his best to fight off the big dog. It wasn't a very happy chorus of growls and barks and squeals. It sounded something like this: "Gurrrrr gurrr-uh ow ow gurr gurr ow wuf ar gurr ow wow uh- wuf xxx x!!!" Jehosophat pulled on the reins. "We must stop that," said he. "Hepzebiah you sit here."

'Wuf, wuf, said the dog. 'Sore was the plight of thy wife and thy horses when the giant drove them last night through the forest. 'That is why I have come, answered the king; and suddenly his heart seemed to fail him and he felt that he could not go on. 'I cannot fight that giant, he cried, looking at the dog with a white face. 'I am afraid, let me turn homewards.

Dey stan' up mighty squar' ontwell dere dues commence ter cramp um, an' dey don't stan' de racket wuf a durn. No longer'n yistiddy I seed one er de head men er one er dese Tempeler's s'cieties totin' water fer a bar-room. He had de water in a bucket, but dey ain't no tellin' how much red licker he wuz a totin'. G'long, chile jine yo' s'ciety an' be good ter yo'se'f. I'm a gittin' too ole.

Is dat a cha'm fer ter keep off witches, er is it a noo kine er neckliss yer got? "Po' Dave did n' knowed w'at ter do. De las' one he had pended on fer ter stan' by 'im had gone back on 'im, en dey did n' 'pear ter be nuffin mo' wuf libbin' fer.

"Dey smoked on awhile, en bimeby ole mars say, 'Well, a bahgin 's a bahgin, but you en me is good fren's, en I doan wan' ter see you lose all de money you paid fer dat nigger; en ef w'at you say is so, en I ain't 'sputin' it, he ain't wuf much now. I 'spec's you wukked him too ha'd dis summer, er e'se de swamps down here don't agree wid de san'-hill nigger.

Des try ter lay de weight er yo' han' on my marster er missis, an' I'll lan' yo' in de middle of er spell er sickness' " "And they took you prisoner." "Yassah." "I see." "Dey starts ter shoot me fust! But den dey say I wuzn't wuf de powder an' lead hit'ud take ter kill me." "And you escaped?" "Na sah, not den. Dey make me go wid 'em, wher er no.

Herbert pitied him, in spite of his folly and wickedness. "Eben, do you owe this man anything?" he added. "Yes, he does. He owes me for his dinner. Don't you go to interfere!" returned the colored man. "How much was your dinner worth?" asked Herbert, putting his hand into his pocket. "It was wuf a quarter." "There is your money! Now, Eben, come with me." "I've been very unfortunate," wailed Eben.

Turf and shrubberies suffered, also, as the struggle went on, until finally the wrestlers pitched headlong into a young lilac bush, and came to earth together, among its crushed and sprawling branches. "OOCH!" and "WUF!" were the two exclamations which marked this episode, and then, with no further comment, the struggle was energetically continued upon a horizontal plane.

Mars Jim was a little s'picious er seein' a po' w'ite man wid sech a fine creetur, but he fin'lly 'greed ter gib de man fifty dollars fer de mule, 'bout ha'f w'at a good mule was wuf dem days. "He tied de mule behin' de buggy w'en he went home, en put 'im ter ploughin' cotton de nex' day.