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"Too much confinement," I cried, "why you keep yourself confined all the time!" "I would prefer not to take a clerkship," he rejoined, as if to settle that little item at once. "How would a bar-tender's business suit you? There is no trying of the eye-sight in that." "I would not like it at all; though, as I said before, I am not particular." His unwonted wordiness inspirited me.

Though all success, especially if won from distant sources, seems to presuppose some genuine merit, Minard was really an inflated balloon. Expressing himself in empty phrases, mistaking sycophancy for politeness, and wordiness for wit, he uttered his commonplaces with a brisk assurance that passed for eloquence.

Is this not a symbol of all human aspirations? My comrade, my sister, lean upon my arm!" Here it became still worse for poor Liubka. As it was, she could barely go up alone, but here she also had to drag in tow Lichonin, who had grown extremely heavy. And his weight would not really have mattered; his wordiness, however, was beginning to irritate her little by little.

Now and then he warmed himself and kept his muscle in trim with buffeting soundly the champions of that shallow artificiality and unctuous wordiness, one of which passed for orthodox in literature, and the other in theology.

Distinguished American Ambassadors will come and go, and will in their turn win esteem and admiration. He himself deplored the stenographer as a deterrent to good writing; the habit of dictating, he argued, led to wordiness and general looseness of thought. His handwriting was so beautiful and clear that, in his editorial days, the printers much preferred it as "copy" to typewritten matter.

By speaking of an Order that existed, mentioning it by name and actually specifying a House under its rule, the Abbé had given Durtal substantial food instead of the argumentative wordiness of a mania; he had afforded him something better to chew than the empty air on which he had fed so long.

And yet these same bold and hardy pioneers were held incapable of deciding jot or tittle in the public affairs of their adopted home. Still unmoved, the diggers listened to this recital of their virtues. But when one man, growing weary of the speaker's unctuous wordiness, discharged a fierce: "Why the hell don't yer git on to the bloody licence-tax?" the audience was fire and flame in an instant.

John these are truly words of thunder; going straight to their mark, tearing off the mask from hypocrisy and self- deceiving and false religion, and speaking the truth in majesty. And yet there is no noisiness, no wordiness, about them; nothing like rant or violence. Such a man is a liar, says St. John: but he says no more. That is all, and that is enough. So speaks the true Son of Thunder.

The papers pick up every piece of gossip which drifts about the islands, and snarl with much wordiness over local matters, but crowd into a small space the movements which affect the masses of mankind, and in the absence of a telegraph one hardly feels the beat of the pulses of the larger world.

"Too much confinement," I cried, "why you keep yourself confined all the time!" "I would prefer not to take a clerkship," he rejoined, as if to settle that little item at once. "How would a bar-tender's business suit you? There is no trying of the eyesight in that." "I would not like it at all; though, as I said before, I am not particular." His unwonted wordiness inspirited me.