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I protest that the bedstraw is worthy a better. To be sure it is rough. The prickles that line the edges of its stems all point back, and while they do not wound they hold you tenaciously when you touch them. Thus the plant clings to other woodier stems and climbs vicariously. But why bedstraw?

Caroline passed through the wide avenue without stopping, but sometimes recognising with bow and smile a flitting friend. They came to a wilder and woodier part of the park, the road lined on each side with linden trees, and in the distance were vast beds of tall fern, tinged with the first rich hues of autumn. 'Here, Mr.

Woodier, and she made a rustle in rising to take Fleetwood's arm. 'We haven't dined, we have to sup, said he. 'You are released at the end of the lamps. You redeem your ring, Russett, and I will restore it. I have to tell you, Henrietta is here to-morrow. 'She might be in a better place. 'The place where she is to be seen is not generally undervalued by men.

Woodier, and she made a rustle in rising to take Fleetwood's arm. 'We haven't dined, we have to sup, said he. 'You are released at the end of the lamps. You redeem your ring, Russett, and I will restore it. I have to tell you, Henrietta is here to-morrow. 'She might be in a better place. 'The place where she is to be seen is not generally undervalued by men.

'Russett is not usually managed with ease, the lady said. Her placid observation was directed on the pair then descending the steps. 'Be careful how you address, this gentleman, she counselled Abrane. 'The name is not Woodier, I know. It must be the right name or none. Livia's fairest smile received them. She heard the captain accosting the child of luck as Mr.

'Russett is not usually managed with ease, the lady said. Her placid observation was directed on the pair then descending the steps. 'Be careful how you address, this gentleman, she counselled Abrane. 'The name is not Woodier, I know. It must be the right name or none. Livia's fairest smile received them. She heard the captain accosting the child of luck as Mr.

If altruism, or the religion of humanity, is a living vigorous plant, and as some believe flourishes more with the progress of the centuries, it must, like other "soul-growths," have a deeper, tougher woodier root in our soil.

The sappy green twig-tips of the season's growth would not, she thought, be appreciably woodier on the day she became a wife, so near was the time; the tints of the foliage would hardly have changed. Everything was so much as usual that no itinerant stranger would have supposed a woman's fate to be hanging in the balance at that summer's decline.