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The woman who loves, whether she herself knows it or not, has her call, that we answer as the wood-bird answers his mate, her sympathetic word and note at which we vibrate to our heart's core. When Margaret said 'please' in a certain way, Lushington's free will seemed to retire from him suddenly, to contemplate his weakness from a little distance.

You sing songs with the other birds. "I have never known a father or a mother, a sister or a brother. I am lonely. "Is there nowhere in all this world some one whom I may love? Some one who will love me?" Then the wood-bird began to sing a pretty love-song of a maiden sleeping on the crest of a mountain, encircled by fire. Sweetly he sang: "Only he who knows no fear may claim her for his bride."

"Poor little wood-bird, you're frightened at nothing at all. Come and sit by me." He drew her close to him. Her trembling presently grew less. Hundreds of glow-worms were shimmering in the hedge. The grass-hoppers were whirring in the mielles beyond; a flutter of wings went by overhead. The leaves were rustling gently; a fresh wind was coming up from the sea upon the soft, fragrant dusk.

The summer yellowbird, or yellow warbler, is not now a wood-bird at all, being found in orchards and parks, and along streams and in the trees of villages and cities. As we go north the number of warblers increases, till, in the northern part of New England, and in the Canadas, as many as ten or twelve varieties may be found breeding in June.

These frequent only the abodes of man. There is one wood-bird, not often seen, but heard without any melody in his note, in every part of the wilderness wherever I have been. In some parts of this extensive country, the wild pigeons breed in numbers almost infinite.

And he has also learned that to grow and to build are indeed the same thing: for his body is taking the form of a strong young tree; his branches are spreading for a roof over the heads of a hundred delicate flowers, making a home for many a bushy-tailed squirrel and pleasant-voiced wood-bird.

"Poor little wood-bird, you're frightened at nothing at all. Come and sit by me." He drew her close to him. Her trembling presently grew less. Hundreds of glow-worms were shimmering in the hedge. The grass-hoppers were whirring in the mielles beyond; a flutter of wings went by overhead. The leaves were rustling gently; a fresh wind was coming up from the sea upon the soft, fragrant dusk.

Almost the only thing about my first sea voyage that I remember with pleasure is the circumstance of the little birds that, during the first few days out, took refuge on the steamer. The first afternoon, just as we were losing sight of land, a delicate little wood-bird, the black and white creeping warbler, having lost its reckoning in making perhaps its first southern voyage, came aboard.

With her added cares of wifely duty this gave a sober look to her untameable childish bloom; she was almost a business-like beauty now. To Guarino the pathetic appealed more nearly; to him she seemed a pretty nun, a wood-bird caged. He never took his eyes off her she caught him in a soft mood and ravished him.

"O look, Lottchen, here is a little basin of holy water, just like we saw in the cathedral," said Trudel. "Wood water, Nice and brown, In a little cup. Wood water, Wood wine, Won't you drink it up?" said a tiny voice that sounded like that of a wood-bird. "Mother! did you hear anything, mother?" "Yes, darlings, the birds are singing so sweetly now the rain is over. I have brought my camp-stool.