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The only objectivity of knowledge which we can attain consists in the subjective necessity of the forms of thought or the ideas of relation. He obtains his weapons for this double battle from the Wolffian philosophy.

Baumgarten's pupils and followers, the aesthetic writer G.F. Meier at Halle, Baumeister, and others, contributed like himself to the dissemination of the Wolffian system by their manuals on different branches of philosophy. Among the opponents of the Wolffian philosophy, all of whom favor eclecticism, A. Rüdiger and Chr. Aug.

In the strings the young ova are distinguished by their considerable size from the surrounding follicle-cells. Two young Graafian follicles, isolated. In the male mammals there is the same fusion of the Mullerian and Wolffian ducts at their lower ends.

The rational psychology of the Wolffian school is guilty of this error, and whatever of proof it advances for the substantiality, simplicity, and personality of the soul, and, by way of deduction, for its immateriality and immortality as well as for its relation to the body, is based upon this substitution, this ambiguity of the middle term, and therefore upon a quaternio terminorum, all its conclusions are fallacious.

The English aesthetics was sensational, the German, i.e., that of the Wolffian school, rationalistic.

But while in the male mammal the Wolffian ducts develop into the permanent spermaducts, there are only rudimentary relics left of the Mullerian ducts. The internal sexual organs of the mammals undergo very distinctive changes of position. In woman the ovaries travel more or less towards the small pelvis, or enter into it altogether.

But in the Marsupials a communication is opened between the two Mullerian ducts, and in the Placentals they combine below with the rudimentary Wolffian ducts to form a single "genital cord." The original independence of the two wombs and the vaginal canals formed from their lower ends are retained in many of the lower Placentals, but in the higher they gradually blend and form a single organ.

Besides its deduction the determinism of the Wolffian philosophy gave offense, for it was believed to endanger morals, justice, and religion. The application of the principle of sufficient reason, which is wrongly held to admit of no exception, must be restricted in favor of freedom. The Illumination as Scientific and as Popular Philosophy.%

In the female sex, in which the two Mullerian ducts form the oviducts, there are relics of the Wolffian ducts, which are called "the ducts of Gaertner." Here the primitive kidneys, which act as excretory organs of urine throughout life in the amnion-less Vertebrates, are replaced in the mammals by the permanent kidneys.

A closer examination of the Wolffian philosophy seems unnecessary, since its most essential portions have already been discussed under Leibnitz and since it will be necessary to recur to certain points in our chapter on Kant. He perceives a gap in the system of the philosophical sciences.