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"So am I," insisted the little fellow, not really knowing what he meant himself. "I likes dis yere car de best," spoke up Dinah, looking around at the ordinary day coach, the kind used in short journeys. "De red velvet seats seems de most homey," she went on, throwing her kinky head back, "and I likes to lean back wit'out tumbling ober." "And there's more to see," agreed Bert.

"But whatever induced you to try for that safe without me? They were bound to get you. You should have waited." "Dat's right, boss, if I never says anudder word. I was a farmer for fair at de game wit'out youse. But I t'ought I'd try to do somet'ing so dat I'd have somet'ing to show youse when you come back. So I says here's dis safe and here's me, and I'll get busy wit' it, and den Mr.

The speaker threw back his head and laughed heartily. "It's fac'! I'scover de only creek on all de Yukon wit'out gravel. Muck! Twenty feet of solid frozen muck! It's lucky I stake on soch bum place, eh? S'pose all winter I dig an' don' fin' 'im out?" For a moment Rouletta remained silent; then she said, wearily: "Everything is all wrong, all upside down, isn't it?

"Well, Nora, ye 're here, ain't you?" said the old man. "Only this morning," said the mother, "whin I opened me eyes I says to meself: 'Where's Nora? says I; 'she do be so long wit'out writing home to me; look at her now by me own fire! Wisha, but what's all this whillalu and stramach down by the brook? Oh, see now! the folks have got word; all the folks is here!

I haf been robbed robbed by Denson himself, wit'out a wort of doubt. It is terrible terrible! Fifteen t'ousant pounds! It ruins me, Mr. Hewitt, ruins me! Unless you can recover it! If you recover it, I will pay pay oh, I will pay fery well indeed!" There was a characteristically sudden moderation of the client's emphasis when he came to the engagement to pay.

In spite of herself, she was ravished by the picture of Sam at her feet, begging for forgiveness. "Well, maybe I wait," she said. Musq'oosis followed up his advantage. "No," he said firmly. "Not lak travel in wagon, me. Mak' my bones moch sore. I am old. I not go wit'out you promise wait." "Not wait all tam," declared Bela. "Six days," suggested Musq'oosis. She hesitated, fighting her pride.

Out of the ship and out of the Blue Star employ for ever." "I hear you, sor. I hearrd you the first time," Terence Reardon replied complacently and reached for his pipe. "All I ask from you is a square deal. I'll have it from the captain wit'out the askin'." Thus the Reardon breathing his defiance. "I'm glad we understand each other, chief.

"Say, wotcher mean drillin' round dis town in some kinder funny riggin' wit'out no plunder on you? I gotta right to belt you one acrost the bean." "I'd rather you didn't do that," protested Mr. Leary in all seriousness. "If if you'd only give me your address I could send you some money in the morning to pay you for your trouble " "Cut out de kiddin'," broke in the disgusted marauder.

"But monsieur does not know does not understand. Tis all t'is iss my life; eet iss here t'at I liff not out t'ere," with a gesture of disgust toward the door. "I could no more liff wit'out t'is t'an wit'out my head!" Rushford, looking at him curiously, saw that he was in deadly earnest. "Really," he said, "you surprise me, Pelletan. I had never suspected in you such depth of soul."

I t'ink I die if I got go 'way wit'out him. I t'ink I don' know w'at I t'ink. Want him, that's all!" "Tcha! White woman!" said Musq'oosis disgustedly. During the rest of the tale he muttered and frowned and wagged his head impatiently. When she came to the scene of the hearing in Gagnon's shack he could no longer contain himself. "Fool!" he cried. "I tell you all w'at to do.