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'T is of our prayers and the grave we should be thinkin', and not be having bold words on the bridge. Wisha! but I fought I was after spaking very quiet, and up she got and caught up the basket, and I dodged it by good luck, but after that I walked off and left her to satisfy her foolishness with b'ating the wall if it pl'ased her.

And she began to sing, at the top of her voice, in the sad and faded room that hadn't heard a singing voice these many, many years: "'Arrah, Missis McGraw, the Captain said, 'Will ye make a sojer av your son Ted? Wid a g-r-rand mus-tache, an' a three-cocked hat, Wisha, Missis McGraw, wouldn't you like that! You like that tooroo looroo loo! Wisha, Missis McGraw, wouldn't you like that!"

Finally the calf gave it up abruptly, and raced back towards the yard, the pony at his heels. He bolted in at the open gate, promptly followed by his companions, and Murty cut off their exit with a grunt of relief. "Wisha, it's hot!" he said, mopping his brow. "Sure, Miss Norah, y' kem in the nick av time 'twas run clane off our legs, we was."

I saw the gorse bloomin' in the t'atch d' ye know. Oh wisha wisha the poor ould home an' the green praties that day we come from it with our luck smilin' us in the face." "Whist darlin': kape aisy darlin'!" mourned Biddy, with a great sob.

"'Don't have me to lose me temper with you, ses the grasshopper. "'Wisha, bad luck to your impudence an' bad manners, you insignificant little spalpeen. How dare you insult your superiors? ses the whale. "'Who's me superior? ses the grasshopper. 'You, is it? "'Yes, me then, ses the whale. "'Another word from you, ses the whale, 'an' I'll put you where Napoleon put the oysters.

Musha, thin, luk at the fat dhrummer laad! Has he apples in thim two cheeks, Jack? I dunnoa! Hey, there goes Wagner! Hello, Wagner! Wisha, laad, ye're cross-eyed an' shquint-lipped a-playin' yere fife hind-end furrst!" And the replies from the dusty, brown ranks, steadily passing: "Py Gott! dere's Jack Mount! Look alretty, Jacob! Hello, Elerson!

'Masther Robert, avourneen, is he a four-footed baste or a fowl? for he has some of the signs of both on him. Wisha, good luck to the poor ould counthry, where all our animals is dacent and respectable, since St. Patrick gev the huntin' to all the varmint. 'A thrashing from a porcupine's tail would be no joke, observed Arthur. 'I've known dogs killed by it, said Mr. Holt.

I wish there weren't stones in my boots, so I do, and I wish to God I had a cup of tea and a fresh egg. Ah, glory be, my old legs are getting tireder every day, so they are. Wisha, one time when himself was in it I could go about the house all day long, cleaning the place, and feeding the pigs, and the hens and all, and then dance half the night, so I could: and himself proud of me...."

"Oh, well now, miss, what will I do at all? wisha, but that's the way wid me ever and always; when the little sup is in and indeed it wasn't much I tuck the truth always come out if it was the killin' of a man, my heart always gets the betther of ma then." "I saw him, Mogue, with his face blackened." "Wisha, wisha, but I was a haythen to mention it at all. The truth is, I like Mr.

"I am sorry, Kathleen, but you are not getting on very well with Alice. I wish it were different. Could you not do something to propitiate her?" "Wisha, then, darling!" said Kathleen, pausing a moment to consider; "that's just what I can't do. Alice's ways are not my ways, and if I copied her it's kilt I'd be entirely.