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"'Yes, said the General, reaching out his hand to Capt. Whitthorne, in whom he recognized his wife's cousin. "Capt. Whitthorne took his hand and said: "'I am dying. I want you to tell cousin Mary that I have never forgotten her; I love her, and wish I could see her now. We will not speak of our differences now; the approach of death softens our hearts. You are a brave man, Tom.

Whitthorne, his wife's brother, discovered him and had him placed in one of his ambulances, bringing him away; had no knowledge as to what his intention was whether to take him to some place of safety some hospital, or let him die and bury him where his remains could afterwards be found by his family; that up to within a few days he had no idea where he was; that these old colored people had kept his whereabouts a profound secret, except among a few of their race whom they could trust; that when he found a force was stationed at Dolinsburg, he got them to send there and give the information, so that he might make some arrangement about getting away, for fear of recapture by the enemy, and they had sent the boy that we met.

Bress de Laud; he is good to us. I tell yo', de man what said to dig a hole fo' him is a bad man; his name is Whitthorne. I 'member de name kase I knowed de Whitthornes in Jackson, Miss., when I libbed there. Yes, dat so. "At this Mary broke down again. She felt sure that this was some of her people.

The measure did not pass, and the next year another was introduced by Senator Whitthorne, providing for the enrolment of a Naval Militia and the organization of naval reserve forces.

After ascertaining many things that he considered important, he found, upon further inquiry, that his enemy upon that afternoon was commanded by Col. Jos. Whitthorne, his wife's brother. He turned and said to Peter, who was standing near: "'This man seems to be my evil genius. I hope I will not meet him again. It seems hard that I am to continually meet my own kindred in combat.

His loss was quite severe, in fact, the loss was very heavy throughout both armies. Late in the night, while searching between the lines for one of his officers, he met Whitthorne. They recognized each other. Col. Anderson said to him: "'Jo, I am glad to see you, but very sorry that we meet under such circumstances.

None but the class of rebel sympathizers before mentioned mourned at the sad fate of the enemy. "The next day after the surrender of Laws, Gen. Anderson and his staff were riding around the field taking observations. While passing down near Longpath's Corps, suddenly a man in a rebel General's uniform, with two other officers, came dashing up to the General and halted. It was Joseph Whitthorne.

There was no suspicion as to who had shot him. One day, however, he was suffering with a severe fever, and in a delirium remarked: "'Jo Whitthorne is my evil genius. He intends to murder me. "This he repeated so often that when he was sufficiently recovered Jackson asked him if he remembered saying this? He replied that he did not.

Anderson made one charge after another, until the enemy in his front under command of his wife's brother retreated in great confusion. Col. Anderson, in his eagerness to capture Whitthorne, advanced too far to the front of the main line, and was in great danger of being surrounded. He perceived the situation in time, and at once changed front, at the same time ordering his men to fix bayonets.

My father and mother are both buried there, leaving me an only child. I grew up and there married my good wife, Mary Whitthorne. We have lived happily together. I have had a good practice at the law; have tried to reconcile myself to their theories of human rights and 'rope-of-sand' government, but cannot.