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Edward Whelan, a man of brilliant parts, now dead, had much influence over political affairs in the little colony. The history of the newspaper press of British Columbia does not go beyond twenty-two years. The first attempt at journalistic enterprise was the Victoria Gazette, a daily published in 1858, by two Americans, who, however, stopped the issue in the following year.

"Now, Misther Whelan, acushla," asked! one, in a jeering tone, "would you be jist pleased to make yer choice between two purty little invintions of ours cardin an ear-ticklin'." The poor man trembled violently, and his livid lips opened but he could not utter a word. "What an obstinate, silent ould baste you are," said the same man, "not to give a civil answer to my question.

From Prince Edward Island, seven delegates COLONEL JOHN HAMILTON GRAY, president of the Council; EDWARD PALMER, attorney-general; WILLIAM H. POPE, colonial secretary; A. A. MACDONALD, member of the Legislative Council; GEORGE COLES, member of the Legislative Assembly; T. HEATH HAVILAND, member of the Legislative Assembly; EDWARD WHELAN, member of the Legislative Assembly.

"She was comin'," she said, "to her own darlin' b'y, from whom she'd been parted manny a year, believin' him dead, or Tom Whelan had nivir touched hand o' hers." The bearer of the news had but just arrived, and he told it only to the Chief Trader and Pierre. At a word from Pierre the man promised to hold his peace. Then Pierre went to Wonta's lodge.

Think that pugnosed driver did it out of spite. Who is this she was like? O yes! Mrs Miriam Dandrade that sold me her old wraps and black underclothes in the Shelbourne hotel. Divorced Spanish American. Didn't take a feather out of her my handling them. As if I was her clotheshorse. Saw her in the viceregal party when Stubbs the park ranger got me in with Whelan of the Express.

For nobody would thrust thim wid the cash. Yes, wid ninepence a day and thirteen shillings and sixpence a week, I'm comfortable enough. But begorra, the pump leaks, an' I have to pump a quarther more than I should. Av the pump worked right 'tis little grumblin' ye'd hear from Luke Whelan." Mr.

There was a tradition that he had a wife somewhere based upon wild words he had once said when under the influence of bad liquor; but he had roared his accuser the lie when the thing was imputed to him. At Fort Ste. Anne Pierre had known an old woman, by name of Kitty Whelan, whose character was all tatters.

Ringsmith scowled at Peter, who made no attempt at replying. "By the way, Ringsmith, did you know Whelan is over here? I met him quite by chance yesterday. Seems he's come over on a large Government contract for shells. He asked after you. Told me about a Corot you sold him some years ago. He seemed to think he'd paid a big price." "Well, he didn't." The tone of Ringsmith's reply was irritable.

In the rate lists of Long Island between 1638 and 1675, I find Kelly, Dalton, Whelan, Condon, Barry, Powers, Quin, Kane, Sweeney, Murphy, Reilly, as well as Norman-Irish and Anglo-Irish names that are common to Irish nomenclature. Hugh O'Neale was a prominent resident of Newtown, L.I., in 1655.

"The depositions against them having been taken, all the men I have mentioned, with the exception of Jones and Whelan, who were wounded, were brought out to hear them read. They listened with calm attention, but none of them appeared to be much excited. Once only during the reading, Beavers passionately denied the statements made by one of the witnesses present, and was with difficulty silenced.