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"The Terror of the Staked Plains is no more." He looked about him. The remainder of the bandits had made a thorough retreat, leaving a large number of their companions on the plain behind them. Their defeat had been complete and decisive. "Bueno," said Kid Wolf. "Oh, the cows stampede on the Rio Grande! The Rio! The sand do blow, and the winds do wail, But I want to be wheah the cactus stands!

"You headin' somewheah special, Cap'n?" the Texan asked. "Or jus' travelin' for your continued health?" Campbell laughed. "You might call it that, Kirby. But if we stick together, I think all of us may stay healthy." Kirby turned his horse into the pike. "Sounds like a good argument to me, suh. You have any idea wheah at we are, or wheah we could be headin'?" "Northwest is the best I can say.

Ride up to their camp an' say, 'We know wheah at theah's some bushwhackers, come'n see'?" Webb asked scornfully. "After this mornin' they won't even listen to a truce flag, I'm thinkin'." Croff nodded. "That's right." "Supposin' those sentries we passed back there were knocked out and two of us took their places and the other two then laid a trail leadin' here?"

"Yes, Suh," she replied. "This is Mistah Tho'nton's place, right heah, Suh. Leastways, it was his place; but we done bought twenty acahs of it heah, wheah we live, 'cept tain all paid fo' yit. Mistah Tho'nton lives in the big house over theah 'bout half a mile." "May I ask what you have to pay for land here?" "Oh, we have to pay ten dollahs an acah, cause we can't pay cash.

He paused to look out over the waters with shining eyes. After a bit he said slowly, "Ah neveh thought Genevieve would go but she did." "Then what?" "Well, seh, Ah stayed on th' place twell we moved oveh to Miss Cahline's secon' cousin, Mahstah Cunnel Peavey, but they wa'n't nothin' theah, so Ah sais t' Miss Cahline that Ah's goin' Nawth wheah all th' money is, an' Ah send fo' huh.

Happen you don't take to Texas, why, theah's New Mexico, the Arizona territory ... clean out to California, wheah they dip up that theah gold dust so free. Ain't nothin' sayin' a man has to stay on one range all his born days " "Looks like the war ain't doin' too well." Drew was watching the activity in the stockade. "Well, we lost us Atlanta, sure enough.

Lydia found the negress with her wraps on, glooming darkly, "Mis' Hollister, I'm gwine to leave," she announced briefly. Lydia felt for a chair. Mary had promised faithfully to stay through the winter, until after her confinement. "What's the matter, Mary?" "I cyant stay in no house wheah de lady says I drinks." "You will stay until until I am able to be about, won't you?"

"Yes, I wuz twenty yeahs old when I wuz married. I members when I wuz a boy when they had thet Civil Wah. I members theah wuz a brick office wheah they took en hung colohed folks. Yes, the blood wuz a-streamin' down. Sumtimes theah hung them by theah feet, sometimes they hung them by theah thumbs. "I cum tu Kentucky coal mines when I wuz 'bout twenty years old. I worked for Mistah Jenkins.

"Well, she finds thu gun wheah he had drapped it on thu croppin's an' brings it an' a hull apern full o' thu rock home with her. Then she bawls it all out, foolish like, to ther neighbors; she hocks her weddin' dress fer enough ter pay a rock-sharp fer a assay on thu truck an' o' cose thu durn skunk sneaks out an' jumps thu claim!"

"You don't think it's goin' to work?" Drew asked Kirby. The Texan shrugged. "Maybe, only hosses don't think like men. An' a lotta hosses don't take kindly to gittin' wheah theah ain't no footin'. Me, I want to see a little more, 'fore I roll out " Kirby's misgivings were amply justified. For that first voyage was doomed to a tragic and speedy end.