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During the space of just a moment or two the Indians were silent. Now, before he had reached his goal, a musket whanged, from the thicket a second followed the firing swelled to a volley, while the stockade answered. Was he down? No, not yet. He had seized Burr, and hoisting him in his two arms was coming at a plunging run through the spatter of bullets and the drift of powder-smoke.

It was because Jesus whanged away at social and industrial freedom, at fraternity, at love on earth, that he had to endure the Cross. He got under the upper class skin when he attacked the traditional lies of vested interests. Now why doesn't Bland preach the things that Jesus taught?" "He does." "Yes, he does," Jeff scoffed.

"Why, they was four rounds I was in dreamland all the time... only I kept on my feet an' fought, or took the count to eight an' got up, an' stalled an' covered an' whanged away. I don't know what I done, except I must a-done like that, because I wasn't there. I don't know a thing from the thirteenth, when he sent me to the mat on my head, till the eighteenth. "Where was I? Oh, yes.

Whang him! An' I thought th' old raskil would die av laffin'. "We ware crowdin' around thim to see th' fun, an' th' way that old gal whanged an' lammed, an' lammed an' whanged, wud have brung tears to yer eyes.

Then, if anything went wrong in the contest, everybody would say that Don Strong couldn't have made a mistake oh, no. It must have been Tim Lally because he's always queering things. And they did say it!" "Who did?" "Ritter. 'Too bad you made those mistakes, Tim. I ought to have whanged him one in the eye. How did he know whether I made any mistakes?"

With a cry of anger they all leaped at the roller. But he was so high above them, they had no chance. He seized the coal-scoop and whanged Mr. Poodle across the skull. The Bishop came dangerously near reaching him, but Gissing released a jet of scalding steam from an exhaust-cock, which gave the impetuous prelate much cause for grief. A lump of coal, accurately thrown, discouraged Mr. Airedale.

"I looked at 'em for a full half minute, thinking, God bless old Percy's blistered nose, he's safe! and then I done what I hadn't orter did out of that, desire to get even. I slid down the mountain and whanged away over their heads. It was like pokin' your finger in a hornets' nest. Up comes them soldiers, workin' the finest of Injun sneaks up the hill.

If he spun into the High Spinach off at the Right it was Tough Luck. If he whanged away with a Niblick down in a bottomless Pit, caromed on a couple of Oaks, and finally angled off toward the Cup, he would go around for Days talking about Some Shot. As his Ambition increased, his Mental Arithmetic became more and more defective and his Moral Nature was wholly atrophied.

The orchestra whanged and blared and jazzed away; the people at the other tables noticed us or busied themselves noisily with affairs of their own; Worth sat and enjoyed his meal with the air of a man feeding at a solitary country tavern.

Each time that he held superior cards he whanged them, one by one, with exceeding force, down upon the improvised table, and took the tricks with a glowing air of prowess and pride that sent thrills of indignation into the hearts of his opponents. A game with a board-whacker in it is sure to become intense.