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But if my son Samivel vould give me my vay, mum, and only dis-pense vith his MIGHT I wenter to say the vurd? 'What word, Mr. Weller? said the housekeeper, blushing slightly. 'Petticuts, mum, returned that gentleman, laying his hand upon the garments of his grandson.

"Well, then," said Jim, "we must just wait till the fire breaks out an' then bust upon 'em all of a 'eap." "H'm! much they'd care for your bustin' on 'em. No, Jim, we must risk a little. Never wenter, never win, you know. Just you go round by the other end of the street and creep as close as you can; you're small, you know, an' won't be so easy seen as me.

'I drove the old piebald in that 'ere little shay-cart as belonged to your mother-in-law's first wenter, into vich a harm-cheer wos lifted for the shepherd; and I'm blessed, said Mr. Weller, with a look of deep scorn 'I'm blessed if they didn't bring a portable flight o' steps out into the road a-front o' our door for him, to get up by. 'You don't mean that? said Sam.

Then he came back with a decided step and tone. 'Look here! that there dog was lyin' there agin the wall when I went to sleep. He wouldn't stir from me, or my swag, in a year, if he wasn't dragged. Are you sure you ain't seen a dog? then suddenly, as the thought struck him: 'Where's them two chaps that was playin' cards when I wenter sleep?