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So that in the meantime it seems unwise to speak slightingly of democracy, lest we thereby help the Powers, both here and elsewhere, which are fighting for something very much worse. For I take it that the worst enemy of the Wellsian God is the Superman, who has quite a sporting chance of coming out on top, if not actually in this War, at least in the welter that will succeed it.

Very good; but here is the first question which seems to arise out of the Wellsian thesis are we not entitled to ask of "the new religion" some more definite account of the relation between "God" and "the Veiled Being"? Surely it is not enough that it should simply refrain from "asserting" anything at all on the subject.

Officers and men were doubled up with mirth as they watched the acrobatic antics of this mechanical marvel this Wellsian wonder. Now the metal monster was on the move again. It was advancing on the German position. The Bosche machine-guns got busy and poured a very hail of shells and bullets upon the oncoming death-dealer. It made no difference.

Supposing this Power free to act or to refrain from acting, we asked whether he could take the affirmative course choose the "Everlasting Yea" as Carlyle would phrase it without forfeiting our esteem and disqualifying for the post of Invisible King in the Wellsian sense of the term.