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Had there bin no female wimin in the world, I should scarcely be here with my unparalleld show on this very occashun. She is good in sickness good in wellness good all the time. O woman, woman!" My female friends," I continnered, as they were indignantly departin, "wa well what A. Ward has sed!" Sum of the captings on the Upper Ohio River put on a heep of airs.

"People might resent our making hay out of sickness, even if you are preaching that cleanliness will prevent it." "Sickness, you might have a point. I admit I'd argue it, but you might. But wellness, now, it's different.

If this person had not found me, they almost certainly would have found some other practitioner who would have made them well. This type of person honestly feels they are entitled to wellness. And they are. However, some of the sick are not sick for lack of life-style information; they suffer from a mental/spiritual malady as well, one that inevitably preceded their illness by many years.

Never, it seemed, had papa been tenderer or more affectionate than in these bedside visits: so that Cally, with her sense of a guilty secret, could hardly bear to look at his kind, worried face. And she had opened her eyes on the day of wellness with the knowledge that she must put her hand to this cloud now, though she brought down the skies with it.

This she knew with the first opening of her eyes. The familiar objects in the room, the face of the morning, wore the unmistakable well look. Wellness there seemed within, too, refreshment in body, mind, and spirit. Life called to the young and the strong, and the sunlight, streaming royally through the shuttered windows, was the ringing reveille of a new day....

Pray what is meant by wellness and unwellness; and why is to some extreme better than to some extremity? I believe I shall live here till there is quite a new language spoke where you are, and shall come out like one of the Seven Sleepers, a creature of another age. But 'tis no matter so you understand me, though nobody else do, when I say how much I am Your faithful. Letter 29.

Hygienists rarely make six figure incomes from regular, repeat business. This aspect of hygienic medicine makes it different than almost all the others, even most other holistic methods. Hygiene is the only system that does not interpose the assumed healing power of a doctor between the patient and wellness.

Aunt Louise said you could almost see the poor dog 'dwindle, peak, and pine. "But it's only his hurt," said Grace; "'tisn't a sickness." "I reckon," returned Horace, sadly, "it isn't a wellness, neither." "Why not send for Mrs. Duffy?" suggested aunt Madge. "If any one can help the poor creature, it is she." Mrs. Duffy was the village washerwoman, and a capital nurse.

I think I should describe this unsuccessful case, this "dirty case," so my readers get a more balanced idea of how fearsome cancer really isn't if the sick person can clearly resolve to get better and has no problem about achieving wellness. Marie was an artisan and musician from Seattle who grew up back East in an upper-middle class dysfunctional family. She was in her late twenties.

Two possessions must be theirs Longevity of Hair and Biliousness of Character. Likewise it is more better than a Father or Mother Genius has made proceedings. Most best that a Grandfather Genius walks in front. Then, is all of most wellness and the Genius is of excellency birthed. No Honorable Ancestors of Geniuses have walked before me.