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Get down " George did not give him time to finish the phrase, but with a well-measured blow, sent him sprawling in the brambled ditch and we beat a hasty retreat without looking back. It was night by the time we reached Jouy, and at the entrance of the city I enquired for the best hotel. "Le Grand Turc but the proprietress is closing up, making ready to leave." "What! Here?

Thus is he shortened in on every side, until his individuality is all gone, and the humanity in him becomes as characterless as its expression. Every utterance of his life is made with a well-measured reference to certain standards to which he is an acknowledged slave. A scrupulously proper man is often a self-deceiver, and not unfrequently an intentional deceiver of others.

Neither party could have spared an opposition so just or a support so well-measured. Thus it cannot be deemed an American exaggeration to declare the opinion as to the influence of the "Intelligencer" over our public counsels, that its value is not easily to be overrated. Never, meantime, was authority wielded with less assumption.

And we prefer, naturally, our talking companions, those who shrink not from the task of ready interpretation. "The Alps form a book of nature as wide and mysterious as Life," says Frederic Harrison in his Alpine Jubilee, in one of those clear-cut and well-measured passages of mountain homage, which are balm to the tormented hearts of those who feel themselves afloat on the clouds of mystery.

Leopold enjoyed but a short time the fruits of his well-measured indulgence: he died, almost suddenly, March 1, 1792; and was succeeded by his son Francis II., whose fate it was to see those provinces of Belgium, which had cost his ancestors so many struggles to maintain, wrested forever from the imperial power.

Behind them rode the girl, with unceasing interest in the broad hard-beaten trail the only mark in that wilderness to tell them that others had passed that way. The men walked with deliberate but well-measured step, preserving a pace that carried them mile after mile seemingly with little weariness.

There were they served well and plenteously, and fair was the converse between them; and in especial was the talk of Arthur the Black Squire goodly and wise and cheery, and well-measured; and the Green Knight's speech merry and kind, as of an happy child; and the Golden Knight spake ever free and kindly, though not of many words was he. And who was happy if Birdalone were not?

Henry Lawes won Milton's approbation by his success in doing this, and Milton wrote: "Harry, whose tuneful and well-measured notes First taught our English music how to span Words with just note and accent." Lawes was not always successful: when his tunes do not disregard the words they are apt to be angular.

Up to the present I confess I have been so taken up with more material and, may I add' casting a well-measured glance of admiration at her beautifully moulded features and lovely eyes lovely, in spite of the cruel hand of time which had streaked her chestnut hair with grey 'infinitely more pleasing subjects, that I have not even thought about the superphysical.

Her hair was dark red of hue, long and fine and plenteous, her eyes great and brown, her brow broad and very fair, her lips fine and red: her cheek not ruddy, yet nowise sallow, but clear and bright: tall she was and of excellent fashion, but well-knit and well-measured rather than slender and wavering as the willow-bough.