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"Be gormed if ban't a 'mazin' world! She've left nought dammy less than nought, for the house be mortgaged sea-deep to Doctor, an' theer's other debts. Not a penny for nobody nothin' but empty bottles an' to think as I thought so poor o' God as to say theer weern't none! What a ramshackle plaace the world is!" "No money at all? Mrs. Lezzard it can't be!" declared Mr. Lyddon. "But it is, by gum!

"Let un bide," he said. "He didn't take it, an' since it weern't for Phoebe, better him had it than the cat. He works for his livin', she doan't." "Such gwaines-on 'mongst dumb beasts o' the field I never seen!" protested Billy; "an' chickens worth what they be this spring!"

Then she rose suddenly to her feet and expression came to her face a very wonderful expression wherein were blended fear, awe, and something of vague but violent joy as though one suddenly beheld a loved ghost from the dead. "'T is as if all of un weern't quite lost! A li'l left a cheel of his! Wummon! You'm a holy thing to me a holy thing evermore!

I waked from sleep an' bid un rise, but theer weern't no more risin' for him till the Judgment." "Death's no courtier. He'll let a day-labourer go so peaceful an' butivul as a child full o' milk goes to sleep; while he'll take a gert lord or dook, wi' lands an' moneys, an' strangle un by inches, an' give un the hell of a twistin'. You caan't buy a easy death seemin'ly."

Flesh an' blood weern't gwaine to suffer that." "Under the circumstances, and with all the difficulties of your position, I never could blame you." "Nor Phoebe," said the other warmly. "I won't have wan word said against her. Absolute right she done. I'm sick an' savage, even now, to think of all she suffered for me.

Blanchard went down to find a woman waiting for him, and her first whispered word made him start violently and drop the candle and matches that he carried. His ears were opened and he knew Chris without seeing her face. "I be come back back home-along, brother Will," she said, very quietly. "I looked for mother to home, but found she weern't theer.

"Perhaps it weer a cross an' perhaps it weern't; anyway it's my gate-post now, an' as to diggin' it up, you may be surprised to knaw it, Martin Grimbal, but I'll see you damned fust!

"Perhaps he thought 'twas so far off that " "Doan't care what he thought. Weern't plain dealin' to bide quiet about that, an' I shall tell un so." "Well, doan't 'e quarrel with Clem. He'm 'bout the awnly friend you've got left now." "I've got mother an' you. I'm all right.

I wonder he haven't rotted away wi' his awn bile 'fore now." "But that weern't all. He talked an' talked, an' threatened if you didn't go an' see him, as he'd tell 'bout you in the past, when you was away that autumn-time 'fore us was married." "Did he, by God! Doan't he wish he knawed!" "He does knaw, Will least he said he did." "Never dream it, Phoebe. 'T is a lie. For why?

So I did; an' if the sight o' the smoke an' then hearin' o' mother's trouble didn't blaw the whole business out of my brain!" He stood amazed at his own complete forgetfulness. "Queer, to be sure! But coourse theer weern't room in my mind for anything but mother arter I seed her stricken down." During the evening, after final reports from Mrs.