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Then without the teeniest, weeniest bit of noise, it floated back into the Lone Pine and with it went the plump chicken. Reddy Fox, still with his wicked, selfish smile, trotted back with Billy Mink's duck, but he dropped it in sheer surprise when he discovered that his plump chicken had disappeared. Now Reddy Fox is very suspicious, as people who are not honest themselves are very apt to be.

"I must lie down and rest now," she said to Elinor. "Are you very tired, dear? We'll go right up to your room." "No, I'm really not a bit tired," explained Arethusa, as she scrambled to her feet to start upstairs, "not the very weeniest bit. But Aunt 'Liza said I must lie down and rest just as soon as I got here." Elinor looked a trifle puzzled. "But if you're really not tired...."

I was like a top, spinnin' an' spinnin'. Things went round all the way home, so that I didn't dar say a word for fear herself might think I had been drinkin'. So that's how we saw the Pope. Ye can see now the terrible determination of Anne Dillon, though she was the weeniest wan o' the family."

He is so good-natured and so sunny-hearted that he seldom quarrels with any one. But when he has to fight, there isn't a cowardly hair on him, not the teeniest, weeniest one. No one ever has a chance to cry, "'Fraid cat! Cry baby!" after Johnny Chuck.

I was shewn into your dining-room and I could hardly resist it. There's a dressed crab I behaved perfectly, I didn't touch it and, if all three of you had the weeniest little bit less, there'd be enough for us all. Hullo, there's Mr. Manders!" She shook hands and waited for Eric to introduce Grierson. "You're interrupting an important discussion, Lady Barbara." "Is it about your new play?

We have the biggest gold nugget and the weeniest cunning least gold nugget; the biggest diamond and the smallest diamond; the tallest man and the smallest man; the whitest negro and the yellowest red man in the world.

Her eyes may be closed, but not her ears. Those are always on guard, even when she is asleep, and at the least sound open fly her eyes, and she is ready to run. If it were not for the way her sharp ears keep guard, she wouldn't dare take naps in the open right in broad daylight. If you ever want to catch a Fox asleep, you mustn't make the teeniest, weeniest noise. Just remember that.

"But there is the weeniest, teeniest chance, isn't there? 'Cos you do think you'd like to have me if I was good, and I'd love to belong to you. Is there just the wee-est little chance, Uncle St. Bernard? Would it be any good praying for it?" He took her little hand into his warm kind grasp, for she was quivering all over with excitement. "Yes, pray, little one!" he said.

Grandfather Frog didn't move, not the teeniest, weeniest bit, but he whispered something to the Merry Little Breeze, and the Merry Little Breeze flew away, shaking with laughter, to where the other Merry Little Breezes were playing with the buttercups and daisies. Then all the Merry Little Breezes clapped their hands and laughed too.

How cool it would feel in a little boy's hands if he were to hold it tight and then take a big, sweet, juicy bite out of it! Should David accept the remainder of the man's apple? No, that would not be right; little boys must not be greedy. Just the teeniest, weeniest, wee bite would be quite sufficient for him.