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We-alls could hop out at him, a-whoopin' an' shoutin', an' bein' wropped up in blankets, he allows it's shore Injuns an' goes plumb locoed. "`You-all will keep harrowin' away at this Todd party, Jaybird, says Enright, 'ontil you arises from the game loser. Now I don't reckon none I'd play Apache if I'm you. Thar's too much effort in bein' an Apache that a-way.

"'I'll go you once, says Tutt; 'it's fifty dollars even he grows contemptuous at a bottle, an' disdains it. "Which we-alls talks it over an' decides that Jack's to nurse said infant; after which a passel of us proceed's to make a procession for the tenderfoot's bed, which he shorely resigns without a struggle.

"By this time the infant is grown plumb hostile, an' is howlin' to beat the band; so 'Doby puts it up he'll take him to his mother an' afterwards he's ready to join Billy in an orgy. "'I jest nacherally stampedes back to the agency with this yere Willyum child, says 'Doby, an' then we-alls repairs to the Red Light an' relaxes.

One day thar comes trailin' along into Wolfville a party from down 'round Yallerhouse some'ers. This yere Yallerhouse gent looks disperited an' off color as to health. But of course we-alls don't refer none to it; for whether this stranger's sick or well is his business, not ours; leastwise in its first stages.

"'Which I should shorely concede you did, says Enright. 'The way that Red Dog gent manip'lates his weepon shows he knows his game; an' except for you a-settin' things up on him, I'm powerful afraid he'd spoiled Cherokee a whole lot. "'Well, gents, goes on Enright, after thinkin' a while, 'I reckons we-alls might as well drink on it.

We-alls must line out like we're goin' to hang Dave for the killin'; otherwise it don't look nacheral nohow, an' the lady detects it's a bluff.

But at the time I sees this yere Damon an' Pythias, I says to myse'f, an' ever since I makes onhesitatin' assertion tharof, that the brotherly views them two gents entertains ain't a marker to Jim Willis an' me. "'This yere Jim I knows since we're yearlin's. We-alls jumps outen the corral together back in Tennessee, an' goes off into this Mexican war like twins. An' bein' two boys that a-way

I shore waits for your reply with impatience, for I eetches to go back an' shoot up this new hurdy-gurdy from now till sun-up. "Enright takes Doc Peets down by the end of the bar an' thar's no doubt about it, that Peets is the wisest longhorn west of the Missoury an' they has a deep consultation. We-alls is waitin'. some interested, to see what they says.

By partic'lar request Enright takes the chair an' calls 'em to order. "'This yere meetin', says Enright, meanwhile beatin' with the butt of his six-shooter on the poker-table, 'is some sudden an' permiscus; but the objects is easy an' plain. We-alls convenes ourse'fs to consider the physical condition of this party from Yallerhouse, which report says is locoed an' can't talk none for himself.

It's the second day, an' we-alls loses the trail for mebby it's fifteen minutes. We're smellin' along a canyon to find it ag'in, when from over a p'int of rocks we hears a bronco nicker. He gets the scent of an acquaintance which Moore's ridin' on, an' says 'How! pony- fashion. "Thar's no need goin' into wearyin' details.