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I go every morning after breakfast with a little offering of scraps to add to their meager meals. It is one of my few occupations. Louis has succeeded in some of his agricultural schemes, and has raided mushrooms, radishes, and watercresses, which appear quite a luxury in contrast to our usual canned things, and almost make us forget other privations.

Then he would sit under a hedge, or by the side of a stream, and would make a rustic feast, by turns on watercresses, wood strawberries, and blackberries picked from the hedges; he would gather a few plants, read a few pages of Florian, then in greatest vogue, of Gessner, who was just translated, or of Jean Jacques, of whom he possessed three old volumes.

When I told papa, he laughed, and said I should be proud of my triumph over the man's imagination. But when the people roared with laughter at my discomfiture, I felt as though I would rather be earning my bread by selling watercresses in the street or by stitching in a garret." Of course the cry of the poor injured soul found a ready echo in his heart.

At the right of this original figure was painted, in a very appetizing manner, a pie out of whose crust peeped a trio of woodcocks' heads. A little farther, upon a bed of watercresses, floated a sort of marine monster, carp or sturgeon, trout or crocodile.

At the right of this original figure was painted, in a very appetizing manner, a pie out of whose crust peeped a trio of woodcocks' heads. A little farther, upon a bed of watercresses, floated a sort of marine monster, carp or sturgeon, trout or crocodile.

David Haggart. I was thinking of Willie Wallace. Myself. You had better be thinking of yourself, man. A strange place this to come to and think of William Wallace. David Haggart. Why so? Is not his tower just beneath our feet? Myself. You mean the auld ruin by the side of the Nor Loch the ugly stane bulk, from the foot of which flows the spring into the dyke where the watercresses grow?

My sister and I used to amuse ourselves with playing Cyrus at the court of his grandfather Astyages. At the great Persian feasts, I was, like young Cyrus, to set an example of temperance, to eat nothing but watercresses, to drink nothing but water, and to reprove the cupbearer for making the king, my grandfather, drunk.

Once doesn't need to be hungry to be able to eat salad. You're surely not going to let this be wasted?" "You can eat it to-morrow," said Madame Lerat; "it's nicer when its wilted." The ladies sighed as they looked regretfully at the salad-bowl. Clemence related that she had one day eaten three bunches of watercresses at her lunch.

"'Nay, Macumazahn, if thy heart yearns for strange things like a sick woman, I go, even if the ghosts devour me. "And accordingly he went, and soon returned with a large bundle of watercresses, of which I ate greedily. "'Art thou not hungry? I asked the great Zulu presently, as he sat eyeing me eating. "'Never was I hungrier, my father. "'Then eat, and I pointed to the watercresses.

Surely if my mother could have known it she would have killed me when I was born! and so he went on lamenting between each fistful of watercresses till all were finished, when he declared that he was full indeed of stuff, but it lay very cold on his stomach, 'like snow upon a mountain. At any other time I should have laughed, for it must be admitted he had a ludicrous way of putting things.