United States or Guernsey ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

The intelligence that they were to have visitor and such a visitor next day, awakened in the breast of Mrs Nickleby mingled feelings of exultation and regret; for whereas on the one hand she hailed it as an omen of her speedy restoration to good society and the almost-forgotten pleasures of morning calls and evening tea-drinkings, she could not, on the other, but reflect with bitterness of spirit on the absence of a silver teapot with an ivory knob on the lid, and a milk-jug to match, which had been the pride of her heart in days of yore, and had been kept from year's end to year's end wrapped up in wash-leather on a certain top shelf which now presented itself in lively colours to her sorrowing imagination.

Bobbie discovered, to his great annoyance, that two large tears had fallen down his own cheeks out of sympathy; and at the same moment he seemed to feel his little wash-leather purse growing so large, that he almost fancied in another moment it would burst out of his pocket. Exactly two shillings were in it the price of the bottle of lotion, or of two of Jim's guinea-pigs! Which should it be?

Anyhow, Marbury had got hold of some Australian diamonds, and he showed them to me at his hotel a number of them. We examined them in his room." "What did he do with them afterwards?" asked Spargo. "He put them in his waistcoat pocket in a very small wash-leather bag, from which he had taken them. There were, in all, sixteen or twenty stones not more, and they were all small.

Oswald told him not to talk such tommy-rot because the Indian was a relation, so of course he couldn't do anything dishonourable. And Dora said it was all right any way, because she had washed up the spoons and forks herself and counted them, and they were all there, and she had put them into their wash-leather bag, and taken them back to Albert-next-door's Mother.

It is made with equal parts of brown sugar and of shredded yellow soap, and mixed by means of a table-knife on a plate, with a few drops of water, until it be all well blended together, and of the consistence of thick paste; it should then be spread either on a piece of wash-leather, or on thick linen, and applied to the boil, and kept in its place by means either of a bandage or of a folded handkerchief; and should he removed once or twice a day.

Another relic of the same period, the Cavalier General Sir Jacob Astley's buff-coat, with his belt and sword; the leather of the buff-coat, for I took it between my fingers, is about a quarter of an inch thick, of the same material as a wash-leather glove, and by no means smoothly dressed, though the sleeves are covered with silver-lace.

And in another pocket Mallalieu had a wad of bank-notes which he had secured during the previous week from a London bank at which he kept an account, and in yet another, a cunningly arranged one, lined out with wash-leather, and secured by a strong flap, belted and buckled, he carried gold. Mallalieu kept that waistcoat and its precious contents under his pillow that night.

Philip was closeted in his room with his new friend till twelve o'clock. Then they went out into the yard, and finally Mr. Clinton stayed to luncheon. But I held my peace, and made Alice hold hers. Mr. Clinton went away in the afternoon, but Philip got the plate-powder and wash-leather, and occupied himself in polishing the silver fittings of his dressing-case.

At six o'clock in the evening Kuzma Vassilyevitch shaved carefully and sending for a hairdresser he knew, told him to pomade and curl his topknot, which the latter did with peculiar zeal, not sparing the government note paper for curlpapers; then Kuzma Vassilyevitch put on a smart new uniform, took into his right hand a pair of new wash-leather gloves, and, sprinkling himself with lavender water, set off.

Aylmore says that when he left Marbury, Marbury had on him a quantity of those diamonds in a wash-leather bag, a lot of gold, and a breast-pocket full of letters and papers. Now there was nothing on him when he was found dead in Middle Temple Lane." Spargo stopped and lighted a fresh cigarette. "That's all I know," he said. "What do you make of it?"