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These growing needs on her part are just as real as the needs adults feel, and it would be just as unwise to get her a new doll, when she needs most of all a wash-boiler for her kitchen, as it would be to buy for yourself a picture, when you really need a pair of new spectacles. All the different articles needed for the running of the doll's house can now be bought separately.

But that was no life for a girl! After I began to herd and milk, I could never get the smell of the cattle off me. The few underclothes I had I kept in a cracker-box. On Saturday nights, after everybody was in bed, then I could take a bath if I wasn't too tired. I could make two trips to the windmill to carry water, and heat it in the wash-boiler on the stove.

He had folded all the blankets neatly, rose, and went over to the window-box to get some strong cord. "In the gallopin' wash-boiler?" "Red" smiled, "That still belongs to us I mean, you." He clinked his spurs on the table. "Us is right, 'Red. You said you'd been a partner. You have. Some day I'm going to tell you how grateful I am."

By the time he was seventeen Chug's motorcycle was spitting its way venomously down Elm Street. And the sequence of the seasons was not more inevitable than that an automobile should follow the motorcycle. True, he practically built it himself, out of what appeared to be an old wash-boiler, some wire, and an engine made up of parts that embraced every known car from Ford to Fiat.

A wash-boiler, its legitimate usefulness long over, set up in the wagon, was beaten on by Arthur and Joe Warren, while their elder brother drove. Tom Harris, Bob White and a scattering of other grotesque horsemen came along presently. "Where'll we go?" queried Harvey, as the squadron paused to rest after a preliminary round of some of the streets.

Loyette, "to have an old person of your own about the place that you can leave the children with a half-minute, while you snatch the wash-boiler off the fire or keep the baby from cuttin' her throat with the butcher-knife." Mrs. Loyette agreed, shaking her sleek black head a great many times in emphasis.

If there is no nurse available before the labor sets in, and it is necessary for the patient to see to the sterilizing of the above articles, she should first scrub off all pitchers, basins, and other utensils, as well as the douche-pan, fountain syringe, and rubber sheeting, with a brush and hot soap-suds; the hand-scrubs are to be well washed; then each article should be pinned separately in coarse towels, and put to boil for half an hour in an ordinary wash-boiler.

By the simple process of removing the handle, taking out the dasher, and unshipping the legs the work, as you perceive, of but a moment the process of transformation is complete. As to the trifling orifice that the removal of the handle leaves in the lid, it becomes, when the wash-boiler side of this Protean vessel is uppermost, a positive benefit. It is an effective safety-valve.

"Grab the horn with your right hand, Miss Gay!" she cried involuntarily, when Muriel stooped and started to pick up the saddle. "Don't oh, it looks as if you were picking up a wash-boiler! I told you " "Register that sob!" bawled Robert Grant Burns, shooting a glance at Jean and stepping from one foot to the other like a fat gobbler in fresh-fallen snow.

"We've made a horse-fiddle before now, haven't we? that rope's got so much resin on it that it squeaks if you just look at it." He passed the free end of the resined rope through a hole in the bottom of the upturned wash-boiler, and knotted it so it would not pull out again. "Now where's the fiddle-bow, John?" he asked.