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'Thrivin', answered Robert, falling into his humour. 'Weel, that's verra weel. Duv ye min', Robert, hoo, whan ye was aboot the age o' aucht year aul', ye cam to me ance at my shop aboot something yer gran'mither, honest woman, wantit, an' I, by way o' takin' my fun o' ye, said to ye, "Robert, ye hae grown desperate; ye're a man clean; ye hae gotten the breeks on." An' says ye, "Ay, Mr.

Ilka body kens, or sud ken, what lies to their ain han'. It lies to mine to gang. I'm no wantit langer. Ye wadna hae me ait the breid o' idleness?" "But, Aggie," remonstrated Cosmo, "ye're ane o' the faimily! I wad as sune think o' seein' my ain sister, gien I had ane, gang fra hame for sic a nae rizzon at a'!"

Wudna it be a' for yersel? Is there naething gien intil yer ban' to du naething nearer hame nor that? Surely o' twa things, are near and are far, the near comes first! 'I dinna ken. I thoucht ye wantit me to gang! 'Ay, raither nor bide at hame duin naething; but michtna there be something better to du? 'I dinna ken. I thoucht to please ye, Kirsty, but it seems naething wull!

"We're no far frae there," says I an' deed I can hardly tell ye, Robert, what garred me say sae, but I jist wantit to ken what that gentleman-brither o' mine was efter; "tak the horse hame," says I "I'll jist loup upo' Black Geordie an' we'll hae a glaiss thegither. I'll stan' treat." Sae he gae me the bridle, an' I lap on. The deevil tried to get a moufu' o' my hip, but, faith!

"Dinna ye come, Aggie," he said; "ye may be wantit at hame." "Ye dinna think I wad ley ye, laird! 'cep' ye was to think fit to sen' me frea ye.

John, wha plaistered it up, hoo I had gotten 't. And I didna mean to say onything aboot it; but I wantit to tell ye a queer dream, sic a queer dream it garred me dream the same nicht. As he told the dream, his father suddenly grew attentive, and before he had finished, looked almost scared; but he said nothing.

There was naebody wantit her to teach their bairns, and yon grandee o' a schulemistress telt the puir lassie she wasna competent for teachin', an' that efter a' the guid money her feyther had spent upo' her learnin'. Weel, Mary Ann she comes to me, an' says, 'Will ye gie me wark at Hunters' Brae? says she. 'The doctor's awa, says I, but she begged that hard I couldna say no to the creature.

It was saxteen mile to the hills, and yin and twenty to the lanely tap whaur he had howkit his grave. But I never heedit it. I'm a strong man, weel-used to the walkin' and my hert was sair for the auld body. Now that he had gotten deliverance from his affliction, it was for me to leave him in the place he wantit. Forbye, he wasna muckle heavier than a bairn.

Then stung with the reflection that he had not been asked to stay to tea, he added: "It's no for the likes o' you, Annie, to gang to gentlefowk's hooses, makin' free whaur ye're no wantit. Sae dinna lat me hear the like again." But it was wonderful how Bruce's influence over Annie, an influence of distress, was growing gradually weaker.

'He cam to me o' the Hornside, whaur I sat weyvin my stockin, ower the bog on 's powny a richt bonny thing, and clever a new are he's gotten frae 's mither. And it's no the first time he's been owre there to see me sin' he cam hame! 'Whatfor gaed he there? That wasna the best o' places to gang ridin in! 'He kenned whaur he was likest to see me: it was me he wantit. 'He wantit you, did he?