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"Well, sir, it might ha' been a boat or a raft or it might only ha' been the trunk of a tree struck adrift; but if it had been a tree I don't think as it would ha' wanished quite so quick." "How long ago was this, Mr Tompion?" "Just a minute or two afore you came on deck, sir."

To use a simple parable, what one feels about many modern theological statements is what the eloquent bagman said in praise of the Yorkshire ham: "Before you know where you are, there it's wanished!"

"Though 'ow you wanished yourself avay, and v'ere you wanished to, is more vonderful still." "Ah, that it is, sir!" nodded the Corporal again. "Why," explained Barnabas, "I was stunned by a blow on the head, and when I came to, found myself lying out on the wharf behind a broken boat. I should have come round here days ago to inquire how you were, Mr.

"Think o' that now!" sighed Mr. Shrig, "but I ain't surprised, no, I ain't surprised, and by Goles!" "What now?" "Your cravat-sparkler! that's wanished too!" Barnabas felt his rumpled cravat, and nodded. "And your vatch, now don't tell me as they 've took " "Yes, my watch also," sighed Barnabas. "A great pity!" said Mr. Shrig, "though it ain't to be vondered at, not a bit."

De berry day as de gubner-leck was missin' ob, she wanished too. When de cons'able went to 'rest her, he foun' her gone an' de hut burnt up. Now, yere we is, young marse, at de lan'in', an' you can get right out yere 'dout wettin' your feet," said the old ferryman, as he pushed the boat up to the dry end of the wharf.