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News and comments which did nothing to lessen the pride and insolence of the Jubaland tribesmen, of the Wak tribesmen, of the bold Zubhier sons of the desert, nor to strike terror to the hearts of the murderers of Captain Aylmer and Mr. Jenner, of slave-traders, game-poachers, raiders, wallowers in slaughter....

Not like the flea-bitten Asiatics even niggers are better than Asiatics, though they are wallowers the American races and the South Sea Islanders the Marquesans, the Maori blood. That was the true blood. It wasn't frightened. All the rest are craven Europeans, Asiatics, Africans everyone at his own individual quick craven and cringing: only conceited in the mass, the mob.

Instead, they seemed to be having a monstrous attack of colic as they rolled about their vanquished monarch. With their antennae weaving wildly, and their deadly jaws crashing open and shut along the floor, they were fairly wallowing about that section. And the crowding ring of soldiers surrounding the wallowers were fighting like mad things to shove them out of place.

It is full summer with you now, as you sit here in your gay clothes on this bright day; but the winter is coming for every one of you, when there will be no more sunshine, no more luxury and pleasure and flattery, and when the miry wallowers in troughs and stys, who are now taking the best years of your lives from you " "Helloa there! Whoop! Tarara-ra-ra-rara!"

But William de la Marck, raising his tremendous voice above the tumult, and shaking his clenched hand and extended arm, shouted aloud, "How now, ye porkers of Liege! ye wallowers in the mud of the Maes! do ye dare to mate yourselves with the Wild Boar of Ardennes? Up, ye Boar's brood!"