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What his views are on the great questions of the science the origin of races, the migrations, the crossings of varieties, and the like no mortal can remember, who has penetrated the labyrinth of his researches. An author of a very different kind is Professor Waiz, whose work on Anthropology has just reached this country: a writer as philosophic as Mr.

Some years ago he betrothed a daughter to the eldest son of Gerad Hirsi of the Berteri tribe, and then, contrary to Somali laws of honor, married her to Mahommed Waiz of the Jibril Abokr. This led to a feud, in which the disappointed suitor was slain.

In South Carolina they see but one side of the shield, which is quite different, as we know, from the custom of the rest of mankind. Descriptive Ethnology. By R.G. LATHAM. 2 vols. London. 1859. Anthropologie der Naturvölker. Von Dr. T. WAIZ. 2 Bänder. Leipzig. 1860.

Waiz seems to us the most careful and truly scientific author in the field of Ethnology whom we have had since Prichard, and with the wider scope which belongs to the intellectual German. The bane of this science, as every one knows, has been its theorizing, and its want of careful inductive reasoning from facts.

Waiz has reasoned slowly and carefully from facts, considering in his view all possible hypotheses, even, for instance, the development-theory of Darwin, and has formed his own conclusion on scientific data, or has wisely avowed that no conclusion is possible.