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The squire was silent a moment, and looked wild with astonishment at this account. At last he cried out, "Why, what can be the meaning of this, neighbour Allworthy? Vond o'un she was, that I'll be sworn to. Odzookers! I have hit o't. As sure as a gun I have hit o' the very right o't. It's all along o' zister. The girl hath got a hankering after this son of a whore of a lord.

Ur's lodgin' up to wold Varmer Moore's, an' ur's that vond o' the zay, the vishermen do tell me, as wasn't never any gen'leman like un." I tossed off my ginger-beer, jumped on to my machine, and followed the retreating brown back of Mr.

"'Twude be a turble gude job var 'ee tu git a yusband. But doan't 'ee make tu shar on 'un, Miss Zairy. 'Un du zay as him be turble vond on yu, and as yu du be playing vast and loose wi' he. That's the ways a young maid du go on, and zo the young man du slip thru' 'un's vingers." "Yes, Jack," said Sarah, with unwonted meekness.

'Now, berhabs, said his employer, 'you think I am a vool to gif you a vife-bound node. But if you are not honest I shall be rit of you jeaply, and I shall know at vonce. Paul fired a little at this. 'If you don't think I am to be trusted you had better not employ me. 'That is all right, said Darco. 'I am Cheorge Dargo. I do things my own vay. Look here. Are you vond of imidading beobles?