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The excitement drew a number of people from the neighborhood. Nay, it seemed as if the whole town was ringed about us. "Bravo, Jules!" they cried, "garde-tu la porte. A bas les Bostonnais! A bas les voleurs!" "Damn such monkey talk," said Cowan, facing them suddenly. I knew him well, and when the giant lost his temper it was gone irrevocably until a fight was over. "Call a man a squar' name."

Her bosom heaved, but her left arm remained rigidly extended along the back of the couch. "You will only upset yourself," breathed out a deep voice, which, to Razumov's startled glance, seemed to proceed from under the steady spectacles of Peter Ivanovitch, rather than from his lips, which had hardly moved. "What of hat? I say thieves! Voleurs! Voleurs!"

"Those gracious kings are all a pack of rogues. En lisant l'histoire des York et des Lancastre, et de bien d'autres, on croit lire l'histoire des voleurs de grand chemin. Pour votre Henri Sept, il n'était que coupeur de bourses. STRAWBERRY HILL, Aug. 16, 1768.

As I was standing to admire a waxwork exhibition of all the famous highwaymen, and cut-throats, whose histories are most renowned in France, and listening to the fellow at the door, bawling Aux Voleurs! Aux grands Voleurs!

"Eh bien!" et ce disant il braquait un pistolet sur Lord Berkeley "je suis un de ces voleurs, et je suis seul; je vous demande la bourse ou la vie." "Chien couard," crie Lord Berkeley, "crois-tu donc me tromper? Est-ce que je ne vois pas tes complices cachés derrière toi?"

She held her handkerchief to her eyes, so that Baptiste and La Martinière, altogether at sea in their anxious conjectures, felt powerless to set about helping her, who was so dear to them, as the best and kindest of mistresses, in her bitter affliction. La Martinière picked up the paper from the floor. On it was written "Un amant qui craint les voleurs N'est point digne d'amour."

Ah! mes amis! ven I hear to myself de flowing speech, de oration magnifique of you Lor' Maire, Monsieur Gobbledown, I feel dat it is von great privilege for von etrange to sit at de same table, and to eat de same food, as dat grand, dat majestique man, who are de terreur of de voleurs and de brigands of de metropolis; and who is also, I for to suppose, a halterman and de chef of you common scoundrel.

The excitement drew a number of people from the neighborhood. Nay, it seemed as if the whole town was ringed about us. "Bravo, Jules!" they cried, "garde-tu la porte. A bas les Bostonnais! A bas les voleurs!" "Damn such monkey talk," said Cowan, facing them suddenly. I knew him well, and when the giant lost his temper it was gone irrevocably until a fight was over. "Call a man a squar' name."

Les habitans de ce pays sont de mauvaises gens, voleurs, subtils et grands assassins. Ils se tuent les uns les autres, et la justice qu'il en fait ne les arrête point.

Razumov was quite confounded by this unexpected clamour, which had in it something of wailing and croaking, and more than a suspicion of hysteria. "Voleurs! Voleurs! Vol...." "No power on earth can rob you of your genius," shouted Peter Ivanovitch in an overpowering bass, but without stirring, without a gesture of any kind. A profound silence fell. Razumov remained outwardly impassive.