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It was hung upon a nail, had a semi- circular, half viperish look, and was cupped at each end as if intended for some curious business of incision or absorption. We were relieved on getting nearer it and on being informed that it was merely an ear trumpet through which questions have to be put to deaf penitents who now and then turn up for general unravelment and absolution.

"Almo!" breathed Manlia, in a horrified whisper. "Yes, Almo!" hissed Brinnaria. "What shall we do?" quavered Manlia. "Do?" snorted Brinnaria, "do nothing." "But we can pray," Manlia panted. "We can pray. Surely you are praying, Brinnaria?" "I am praying," came the answer, in a viperish whisper. "I'm praying he may be killed." "Killed!" Manlia gasped. "Yes, killed," repeated Brinnaria, viciously.

Some of the evening's guests lounging about in the hall and loitering near the ballroom door, watched them go, and exchanged significant glances. One tall woman with black eyes and a viperish mouth, who commanded a certain exclusive "set" by virtue of being the wife of a dissolute Earl whose house was used as a common gambling resort, found out Mrs.

Take a seat, Mr. Hartright. We meet as mortal enemies hereafter let us, like gallant gentlemen, exchange polite attentions in the meantime. Permit me to take the liberty of calling for my wife." He unlocked and opened the door. "Eleanor!" he called out in his deep voice. The lady of the viperish face came in "Madame Fosco Mr. Hartright," said the Count, introducing us with easy dignity.

Tremayne knew that there were some of these viperish little craft in the French navy that could be driven thirty miles an hour through the water, and if this was one of them, capture was only a matter of time, unless the air-ship sighted them and came to the rescue.

There was no lamp in the hall, but by the dim light of the kitchen candle, which the girl had brought upstairs with her, I saw an elderly lady steal noiselessly out of a back room on the ground floor. She cast one viperish look at me as I entered the hall, but said nothing, and went slowly upstairs without returning my bow.

"Whet your tusks, lads, here's the blessed manna!" squealed Caliban, a hunchbacked terror, who kept his maimed carcass secure by virtue of his viperish temper, coupled with an uncanny skill of the cutlas. "Milo's our man! Huzza for Milo!" Out from the trees stalked the giant Abyssinian, and the shadows and torchlight distorted him to grotesque proportions.

But alas! they were black, lively, viperish; she went with no great relish for the task to take one up; it wriggled maliciously; she dropped it, and at that very moment, by a curious coincidence, remembered she was sick and tired of crayfish; she would breakfast on fruits.

And it was a long time before this causeless laughter died down in the dining-room. She was informed that the Stinging Beetle had come. This was a pilgrim woman called Pasha or Spiridonovna a thin little woman of fifty, in a black dress with a white kerchief, with keen eyes, sharp nose, and a sharp chin; she had sly, viperish eyes and she looked as though she could see right through every one.

Yes, I have added your name to it. I will make your name immortal by coupling it with mine." "But what is the Sarakoff-Harden bacillus?" I cried. He struck an attitude under the viperish glare of the lamp and smiled. He certainly did look like an anarchist at the moment. He loomed over me, huge, satanic, inscrutable. A thrill, almost of fear, passed over me. I glanced round in some apprehension.