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TREATMENT. One teaspoonful of powdered wormseed mixed with a sufficient quantity of molasses, or spread on bread and butter. Or, one grain of santonine every four hours for two or three days, followed by a brisk cathartic. Wormwood tea is also highly recommended. SWAIM'S VERMIFUGE. 2 ounces wormseed, 1-1/2 ounces valerian, 1-1/2 ounces rhubarb, 1-1/2 ounces pink-root, 1-1/2 ounces white agaric.

It was a pretty neat shot. "I don't need ask any of that," she said scornfully. "I know all of it now." "All right! What is best for worms?" I asked. "Jayne's vermifuge," said Miss Amelia. "Wrong!" I cried. "That's a patent medicine. Tea made from male fern root is best, because there's no morphine in it!" The supper bell rang and I was glad of it.

They were supposed to originate from worms, and had been in vain attempted to be removed by vermifuge purges. As his fit was expected at seven yesterday morning, I saw him before that hour; he was asleep, seemed free from pain, and his pulse natural.

I've been the vermifuge appendix of the body politic; yes, worse'n that I've been an appendix with a seed in it. I made myself sore, and everybody around me, but I'm at the bat now, and don't you never let that fact escape you." "How are you going to spend your money?" inquired Stark. "I'm goin' to eat it up!

L. It has the common qualities of the other sweet fruits, abating heat, quenching thirst, and promoting the grosser secretions; an agreeable syrup made from the juice is kept in the shops. The bark of the roots has been in considerable esteem as a vermifuge; its taste is bitter, and somewhat astringent. Lewis's Mat. Med. NICOTIANA Tabacum. TOBACCO. Leaves.

As for the metal itself, that is the filings or actual metallic particles or fragments, one ounce is a common dose as a vermifuge; harmless even in that quantity to man, and not always so harmful as could be desired to the parasites for whose disestablishment it is administered. One ounce might be contained in about four hundredweight of canned food. 3.

But soon they caught sight of Miss Gale, and were dead silent. She said, "What is the matter? Oh, I see, the vermifuge has acted."

And so you see the giving of the vermifuge consumed considerable time.

First you'll marry a combination of calico and consumption that's as thin as a rail, and next you'll get a creature that's nothing more than the dropsy in disguise, and then you've got to eke out that bridal dress with an old balloon. That is the way it goes. No, sir, there is no such a thing as economy in a family like mine. Why, just the one item of cradles think of it! And vermifuge!

First you'll marry a combination of calico and consumption that's as thin as a rail, and next you'll get a creature that's nothing more than the dropsy in disguise, and then you've got to eke out that bridal dress with an old balloon. That is the way it goes. No, sir, there is no such a thing as economy in a family like mine. Why, just the one item of cradles think of it! And vermifuge!