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Quæ tria ut verissima sunt et naturali ratione mira tamen constant, cujus superius mentionem fecimus, ita illud confictum nasci pueros e mulieribus absque concubitu." De Subtilitate, p. 353. Ranke, History of the Popes, vol. i. p. 246. Mr. De Vita Propria, ch. xxii. p. 63. "Multa de dæmonibus narrabat, quæ quam vera essent nescio." De Utilitate, p. 348. De Varietate, p. 351. Ibid., p. 658.

"Not only letters," exclaimed she, "but my life I would trust to the fidelity of my vera, verissima, cara Inglesina! And now," continued Her Highness, turning round to the Queen, "will it please Your Majesty to give Inglesina your commands." "Here, then," said the Queen, "is a letter for my dear sister, the Queen of Naples, which you must deliver into her own hands.

"Not only letters," exclaimed she, "but my life I would trust to the fidelity of my vera, verissima, cara Inglesina! And now," continued Her Highness, turning round to the Queen, "will it please Your Majesty to give Inglesina your commands." "Here, then," said the Queen, "is a letter for my dear sister, the Queen of Naples, which you must deliver into her own hands.

"Not only letters," exclaimed she, "but my life I would trust to the fidelity of my vera, verissima, cara Inglesina! And now," continued Her Highness, turning round to the Queen, "will it please Your Majesty to give Inglesina your commands." "Here, then," said the Queen, "is a letter for my dear sister, the Queen of Naples, which you must deliver into her own hands.