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Perhaps to gain time, Stephen assented, and the young friar, with a somewhat inquisitive look, presently brought him the sentence "Et non faciamus mala ut veniant bona." Stephen's Latin was not very fresh, and he hardly comprehended the words, but he stood gazing with a frown of distress on his brow, which made Lucas say, "My son, thou art sorely bestead.

Luke xvi. 28: "Ne et ipsi veniant in hunc locum tormentorum." The Saint Prays to Be Directed by a Different Way. Intellectual Visions. I now resume the story of my life. I was in great pain and distress; and many prayers, as I said, were made on my behalf, that our Lord would lead me by another and a safer way; for this, they told me, was so suspicious.

Perhaps to gain time, Stephen assented, and the young friar, with a somewhat inquisitive look, presently brought him the sentence, "Et non faciamus mala ut veniant bona." Stephen's Latin was not very fresh, and he hardly comprehended the words, but he stood gazing with a frown of distress on his brow, which made Lucas say, "My son, thou art sorely bestead.

Henceforth, would he be allowed to live a little less as a bishop and a little more as a monk? This was always the strong desire of his heart.... But new and worse trials awaited him at Hippo. Et nunc veniant omnes quicumque amant Paradisum, locum quietis, locum securitatis, locum perpetuae felicitatis, locum in quo non pertimescas Barbarum.