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From these threads the people there manufacture a fabric even more brilliant than sericum, and I brought a velamen of it for you, such as only the princes of that country wear." As he spoke, Manlius gave the Imperator a superb textile which he had brought with him from India in the hope that it would be Sophronia's bridal veil.

Gratian, Distinctio, 30, c. 2 Friedberg, i, p. 107: Quecumque mulier, religioni iudicans convenire, comam sibi amputaverit quam Deus ad velamen eius et ad memoriam subiectionis illi dedit, tanquam resolvens ius subiectionis, anathema sit. Cf. Gratian, Causa, 15, Quaest. 3 Friedberg, i, p. 750. Gratian, Dist., 30, c. 6, Friedberg, i, p. 108. See also Deuteronomy xxii, 5.

The Cæsar was filled with admiration at the sight of the unusually brilliant, delicate texture. "Manlius, I appoint you Senator." The courtiers began to stare enviously at Manlius. As the barber, who was the most jealous of any sign of favour from the Cæsar, could find no fault with the velamen, he vented his anger upon Manlius' face. "Where did you get those freckles, Manlius?

Dietrich, solemnly appointed 'Patrician, had Italy ceded to him by a 'Pragmatic' sanction, and Zeno placed on his head the sacrum velamen, a square of purple, signifying in Constantinople things wonderful, august, imperial if they could only be made to come to pass. And he made them come to pass.

Purple was the favorite color for this velamen, or veil; because, when the sun shone through it, it cast such beautiful rosy tints on the snowy arena and the white purple-edged togas of the Roman citizens. Long days were spent from morning till evening upon those galleries.