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After a voyage of nearly eight hours, they reached a spot thirty-five miles from Showy. The scenery was highly interesting: one noble reach succeeded another, alternately varying their courses; the banks thickly scattered with trees, rich in foliage, hung over with creepers bearing variously-coloured and aromatic blossoms.

Some wore red tunics or variously-coloured prints, and their heads were adorned with the white ends of ox tails or caps made of lions' manes.

The midnight sun came out over the northern crest of the great berg, our late `fast friend, kindling variously-coloured fires on every part of its surface, and making the ice around us one great resplendency of gem-work blazing carbuncles and rubies, and molten gold." Very different indeed is the aspect of the winter night. Let the same authority speak, for he had great experience thereof.

On each side of the room was placed a long narrow table, one of which was covered with green baize, and unattended; while the variously-coloured leathern surface of the other was closely surrounded by an interested crowd. Behind this table stood two individuals of different appearance.

As White-Jacket understands it, these signals consist of variously-coloured flags, each standing for a certain number.

But are you building on that foundation the gold of self-denial, the silver of white purity, the precious stones of variously-coloured and Christlike virtues?

We quickly hauled in a number of magnificent fish. We were so eager at the sport that we didn't consider how rapidly the time passed, while the doctor was more occupied with admiring the variously-coloured coral, the richly-tinted seaweeds, and the curiously-shaped fish of all the hues of the rainbow, swimming in and out among the trees of their marine gardens.

Why have they not handed round the zakuski?" At this moment the door opened, and the "gawk" and the "thief" in question made their appearance with napkins and a tray the latter bearing six decanters of variously-coloured beverages. These they placed upon the table, and then ringed them about with glasses and platefuls of every conceivable kind of appetiser.

Twelve large axes. Six augers. Seven dozen scalping-knives. Six pounds of variously-coloured beads. Two dozen fire-steels, and a pretty large assortment of awls, needles, thread, nails, and such like small articles, which, though extremely useful, were too numerous and comparatively insignificant to mention in detail.

We have already mentioned that there is a cover or canopy of variously-coloured silk suspended over it; and nothing, we are assured can be held in higher veneration than the Hadjr-el-sakhara, the Locked-up Stone.