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Voltaire pensively surveying Life, brushes the sounding strings; and hums to himself, the carbuncle eyes carrying in them almost something of wet: "MON Henri Quatre ET MA Zaire, ET MON AMERICAIN Alzire, NE M'ONT VALU JAMAIS UN SEUL REGARD DU ROI; J'AVAIS MILLE ENNEMIS AVEC TRES PEU DE GLOIRE: LES HONNEURS ET LES BIENS PLEUVENT ENFIN SUR MOI POUR UN FARCE DE LA FOIRE."

It runs as follows: There were ten brothers, whose names were Sefulu, Iva, Valu, Fitu, Ono, Lima, Fa, Tolu, Lua, and Tasi, and so named from the ten numerals, which in those days began with Sefulu as 1, and ended with Tasi as 10. These ten brothers went to the forest to cut wood for a large canoe. They came upon an owl and a serpent fighting.

The air is colder, but it is only the temperature of spring. To me it feels chilly, coming so lately from the hot lands below; and I fold my cloak closely around me, and ride on. The view is open, for the valu is almost treeless. The scene is no longer wild.

The lance-like blades of the zea maize wave with a rich rustling in the breeze, for here that beautiful plant grows in its greatest luxuriance. My eyes are gladdened by the sight of roses climbing along the wall or twining the portal. I pass from one valu into another, by crossing a low ridge of the dividing mountains. Mark the change! I pass another ridge, and another valid stretches before me.

"On a parlé de moi dans tous les cercles, même après que la bonté de la reine m'eut valu le régiment du roi dragons." Mémoires de ma Main, Mémoires de La Fayette, i., p 86. "La lettre Votre Majesté, parlant du Roi de Prusse, s'exprime ainsi .... 'cela ferait un changement dans notre alliance, ce qui me donnerait la mort, j'ai vu la reine pâlir en me lisant cet article."