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Egypt was, he thought, the right place to maintain his reputation, and to add fresh glory to his name. On the 12th of April 1798 he was appointed General-in-Chief of the army of the East. It was about this time that Marmont was married to Mademoiselle Perregaux; and Bonaparte's aide de camp, La Valletta, to Mademoiselle Beauharnais. This is another fictitious incident of his historical romance.

Several of the blocks show a design of spirals in relief, while on others there are the usual pit-markings. Another bears a figure of a fish or serpent. At the foot of one of the trilithons was found a baetyl 51 inches in height, now in the museum at Valletta. That these three buildings were sanctuaries of some kind seems almost certain from their form and arrangement.

I've very nearly had some wives, but there was always something at the last minute. There was a girl at Valletta, I remember a splendid girl with the figure of a young Venus, and a tragic face and great eyes that seemed to drown you in dark. Lady Macbeth as a child might have been like that or Antigone with the doom on her, or perhaps Elektra.

The wind continued fair during the whole of the first day. Every trace of Valletta was soon lost; and the good barque Boston swept by the rocky coast of the island, where few human habitations meet the eye, swiftly and cheerily. The sea birds sported round the tall masts the canvas bulged out bravely the Captain forgot his shore griefs, and commenced a colloquy with Sir Henry.

This naturally alarmed me, but I boldly asked her and she consented with a stiff bow: we performed a polka together and I restored her to her seat, feeling as though I had crossed from Siracusa to Valletta in a storm, more frightened than hurt, it is true, but glad it was over, especially as I now considered myself entitled to introduce the subject of dancing with Brancaccia.

Delme declined their offers, and, passing a draw-bridge which divides Valletta from the country, made his way through an embrasure, and descending some half worn stone steps during which operation he was again surrounded by beggars he found himself within sight of the barracks. Acme and George were ready to receive him.

I was too sea-sick to be sure I had picked them all up, but afterwards discovered that the only thing left behind was my new diary for the next year. On returning from Valletta to Siracusa about a fortnight later, I asked the steward if he had found my diary and it was produced by the cabin-boy who must have been a youth of considerable energy and enterprise.

Their horses gallop down steeps, which no English Jehu dare attempt; and ascend and descend with safety and hardihood, stone steps which occur in many parts of Valletta; and which would certainly present an insurmountable obstacle to our steeds at home. The proper period, however, to see a caleche man in his glory, is during the carnival.

In the village of Casal Paula, which lies about a mile from the head of the Grand Harbour of Valletta, is a wonderful complex of subterranean chambers known as the Hypogeum of Halsaflieni, which may justly be considered as one of the wonders of the world.

As soon as I get out of khaki I shall be off. Malta! Yes! I've been in Malta several times. I think Valletta is quite enjoyable, particularly in winter, with the opera. Oh er how's your wife? All right? Yes! glad to see her people again. Bound to be Oh, by the way, I met Jim Bricknell. Sends you a message hoping you'll go down and stay down at Captain Bingham's place in Surrey, you know.