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Bagwell waiting at the office after dinner, away she and I to a cabaret where she and I have eat before, and there I had her company 'tout' and had 'mon plaisir' of 'elle'. But strange to see how a woman, notwithstanding her greatest pretences of love 'a son mari' and religion, may be 'vaincue'. Thence to the Court of the Turkey Company at Sir Andrew Rickard's to treat about carrying some men of ours to Tangier, and had there a very civil reception, though a denial of the thing as not practicable with them, and I think so too.

Bagwell waiting at the office after dinner, away she and I to a cabaret where she and I have eat before, and there I had her company 'tout' and had 'mon plaisir' of 'elle'. But strange to see how a woman, notwithstanding her greatest pretences of love 'a son mari' and religion, may be 'vaincue'. Thence to the Court of the Turkey Company at Sir Andrew Rickard's to treat about carrying some men of ours to Tangier, and had there a very civil reception, though a denial of the thing as not practicable with them, and I think so too.

Certes il n'aurait jamais epouse la cause de la France engagee contre l'Angleterre; mais quand il voyait la France et l'Angleterre d'accord sa joie etait vive. Et lors de nos malheurs, sans prendre parti dans la querelle, il n'a jamais cachee la sympathie que lui inspirait la France vaincue.

I heard abundance of curious remarks on the subject of the war, the peace, and the changes; they will have it they were not conquered. "Oh no." "Paris ne fut jamais vaincue elle s'est soumise seulement!" I leave it to your English heads to define the difference between submission and conquest. Beef and mutton are 5d. per lb. here.

I had to answer immediately, without hesitation, and when I hesitated I compelled myself to learn by heart the muscles of the head or the arm, and did not sleep till this was done. A month after the exhibition there was a reading of Parodi's play, Rome Vaincue, at the Comedie Francaise.