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Then, with a change of manner that startled me, 'Ursie, if a person saves another person's life, don't you think that life ought to belong to them? that is, if they wish it? with a sudden blush that rather alarmed me. 'Stop, my dear, I returned coolly. 'This is very vague. I do not think I quite understand. A person and another person, and them, too: it is terribly involved. Which is which?

The lamp was alight; the fire burnt ruddily; Tinker was stretched on the rug as usual, but something else was on the rug too. A girlish figure in a dark tweed gown was huddled up before the grate; a head, with short thick locks of hair tossing roughly on her neck, turned quickly at my entrance. 'Jill! 'Yes, it is I, Ursie dear!

She looked so cool and fair in her white gown, with a tiny bouquet of delicious tea-roses in her hand, her golden hair shining under her little lace bonnet. I thought she looked more than ever like Charlie's white lily, only now there was a touch of colour on her face. 'Oh, Ursie dear, I am so pleased to see you! she said gently, laying the flowers on my lap.

'Martha must have forgotten all about the tea-things; very likely the lamp is smoky and will have to be trimmed. I must not come and help you, Ursie dear, for I have to learn my German poetry before I dress. And Jill pulled down the blinds and drew the curtains with a vigorous hand. Martha looked quite frightened at the sight of Jill's energy and her own remissness.

'Very well, Ursie dear, if you will know, you shall; but first sit down in that cosy-looking chair, and I will put my elbows in your lap, in the dear old fashion, and then we can talk nicely. What a snug little room this is! it looked just delicious when I came in, and Mrs.

'It will feel as though you were coming back some day, Ursie, she said affectionately. Late one afternoon I left her busy in my room, and went to the Albert Hall Mansions to bid good-bye to Lesbia. I had called once or twice, but had always missed her. So I slipped across in the twilight, as I thought at that hour they would have returned from their drive.

At least we thought we should have been at peace here; but one afternoon, when Jaquetta had gone across to the village to see some purchase at the shop, she came back flushed and breathless, and said as she sat down by me, "Oh! Ursie, Ursie, I met Miss Prior; and she has bought Spinney Lawn." She was Hester; it had never meant anyone else amongst us when it was said in that voice.

'About Rutherford Lodge, I returned quickly. 'Do you really want to go back there? 'Did mother talk about that? looking excessively pleased. 'Oh yes, I am longing to go back. I don't want to frighten you, Ursie, dear, and, indeed, there is no need, but this life is half killing me.

Meanwhile the charitable Ursie Firikins had made ready a mess of porridge, and the mournful Magdalen being soothed and consoled, was persuaded to partake.

Tudor had betrayed himself at that moment; but she went on very quietly, 'Ursie dear, I know Mr. Tudor cares for me; he does not always hide it, though he tries to do so. You see he is so real and honest that he cannot help showing things. 'Jill, I exclaimed anxiously, 'what would your mother say if she knew this? 'I think she does know it, replied Jill calmly. 'She does not care for Mr.