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His treatment of the natives has been made the subject of unsparing denunciation and of undiscriminating eulogy. His conduct toward his own, often mutinous, crews is alternately lauded as humane and generous, or denounced as arrogant and cruel, according to the sympathies or the point of view of the critic.

And, further, as we look into the motives of Christ's murderers devout Pharisee and conservative Sadducee, Roman politician and false friend, bawling rabble and undiscriminating soldiery, the host of indifferent or approving faces of the public behind them they seem strangely familiar to us. They have been, they are still, alive by turns in us.

To her undiscriminating mind the mere fact that this honor and power were pledged to the protection and elevation of the negro had been an all-sufficient guarantee of the accomplishment of that pledge. In fact, to her mind, it had taken on the reality and certainty of a fact already accomplished. She had looked forward to their prosperity as an event not to be doubted.

Jorian Ketel came to Peter's house to claim Margaret's promise; but Margaret was ill in bed, and Peter, on hearing his errand, affronted him and warned him off the premises, and one or two that stood by were for ducking him; for both father and daughter were favourites, and the whole story was in every mouth, and Sevenbergens in that state of hot, undiscriminating irritation which accompanies popular sympathy.

Long afterwards he said that he knew almost as much at eighteen as he did at the age of fifty-three the date of the remark. His father's shop would give him many opportunities, and he devoured what came in his way with the undiscriminating eagerness of a young student. His intellectual resembled his physical appetite. He gorged books.

In the same undiscriminating manner he agreed with her other remarks about the Woodyards. People were people to him, and life was life, more or less the same thing everywhere; while Isabelle felt the fine shades. "I think it would be delightful to know people worth while," she observed almost childishly, "people who do something." "You mean writers and artists and that kind?

I write resurgam on labels, and put them wherever bulbs lie buried, or such herbaceous treasures as die down, and are, in consequence, too often treated as mere mortal remains of the departed, by the undiscriminating hand of the jobbing gardener. Winter is a good time to make plans, and to put them down in your Garden-book. Have you a Garden-book? A note-book, I mean, devoted to garden memoranda.

If you marry as unwisely as did the persons you mention, I have no doubt but you will be quite as wretched as they are it may be more so." "I am sure Mr. Mallory is an elegant-looking man," said one of the company, "and might have had his pick among a dozen more attractive girls than ever Ellen Martine was." "All as thoughtless and undiscriminating as she," remarked Mrs. Harding, quietly.

Sir Robert thinks that he can clearly prove, that it was not in his power to bring the combined squadrons again to battle." Nelson felt a profound sympathy for the unfortunate officer, pursued by the undiscriminating and ignorant fury of popular clamor, the extent and intensity of which he had had opportunity to realize when in England.

It takes a liberal mind to distinguish between barbarism and progress. Next there is the rigor mortis of the neo-Egyptians, the barbarism of the dead hand, called by the unkind and the undiscriminating, academic barbarism.