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Thus she writes: "'Your letter, dear Selina, especially interests me by what it says about the two Miss Gracedieus. Look, dear; she underlines the word Two. Why, I can't explain. Can you? Ah, I thought not. Well, let us get back to the letter.

Age has not weakened him; his character is as energetic, his health as robust, as in times past still a workman, still proud of his order, still faithful to his austere republican ideas, still hoping much. "For he says to me, 'the time is at hand, and he underlines those words.

Age has not weakened him; his character is as energetic, his health as robust, as in times past still a workman, still proud of his order, still faithful to his austere republican ideas, still hoping much. "For he says to me, 'the time is at hand, and he underlines those words.

The despatcher's operator, sitting opposite to him, copies every word of this order as the despatcher sends it, and when the operators at Smithville and Jason repeat it back, he underlines each word, great care being taken to correct any mistakes made by the operators.

She underlines old Corneille for his blunt way of speaking, as in, "A heap of men ruined by debt and crimes." "Chimène, who'd have thought it? Rodrigue, who'd have said it?" "When their Flaminius haggled with Hannibal." "Oh! do not embroil me with the Republic." She still has her "Tout beau, monsieur!" on her heart.

The fate of this most privileged but unworthy company of human beings underlines for all who read their story both the significance that the Covenant of Bahá’u’lláh holds for the unification of humankind and the uncompromising demands it makes on those who seek its shelter.

For this reason a small amount of drunkenness in a prohibition territory is so noticeable that many people are deceived into believing that there is more drunkenness under prohibition than under license. Prohibition does not produce drunkenness, but it reveals it, underlines it.

"I wonder by George, he's coming over." Even his step was feeble. There was exertion about every move of his body, the wanness and effort of vanished vitality; he balanced himself carefully. Slowly, slowly, line by line his features became familiar, the underlines of another, the ghost of one departed. At first I could not place him. He held himself up for breath. Who was he?

It is written as Carlyle wrote, not merely with the brain, but with the whole soul and the whole body of the man, and in such a vivid manner that one can without much effort imagine the eager gesticulation which now and then underlines, interprets, despises, argues, denies, and above all asserts.

He first taught by example the truth which Jesus proclaimed in the synagogue of Nazareth, and Peter learned on the housetop at Joppa, and Paul took as his guiding star. A truth so unwelcome and remote from popular belief needed emphasis when first proclaimed; and this singular story, as it were, underlines it for the generation which heard it first.