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If I carry her off I've been on the point of doing it every day what'll come of that? She'll look I can't stand her eyes I shall be a fool worse off with her than I am now." Mountfalcon yawned despondently. "And what do you think?" he pursued. "Isn't it enough to make a fellow gnash his teeth? She's"...he mentioned something in an underbreath, and turned red as he said it. "Hm!"

"War is a matter of blows, my little lad." "Let me inform you, signor Colonel, that war is not a game between bulls, to be played with the horns of the head." "You are prepared to instruct me?" The fiery Bergamasc lifted his eyebrows. "Nay, nay!" said Agostino. "Between us two first;" and he grasped Carlo's arm, saying in an underbreath, "Your last retort was too long- winded.

And sometimes, watching his opportunity that he might be unseen and unheard, he would creep in the darkness under the window and cry up the wall in an underbreath, "Naomi! Naomi! It is I, Ali! I have come back! All will be well yet!"

"War is a matter of blows, my little lad." "Let me inform you, signor Colonel, that war is not a game between bulls, to be played with the horns of the head." "You are prepared to instruct me?" The fiery Bergamasc lifted his eyebrows. "Nay, nay!" said Agostino. "Between us two first;" and he grasped Carlo's arm, saying in an underbreath, "Your last retort was too long-winded.

The vibration of those grave tones checked them. 'It is you, she said. She sat in shadow, her hands joined on her lap. An unopened book was under the lamp. He spoke in an underbreath: 'I have just come. I was not sure I should find you here. Pardon. 'There is a chair. He murmured thanks and entered into the stillness, observing her. 'You have been watching.... You must be tired. 'No.

"For my darling will some day have a dear husband, and he must not look down on her." Rhoda shook her head, full sure that she could never be brought to utter such musical words naturally. "Yes, dearest, when you know what love is," said Dahlia, in an underbreath. Could Robert inspire her with the power?

You call her daughter, and profess to love her. 'You forget, said Agostino sharply. 'The question concerns the country, not the girl. He added in an underbreath, 'I think you are professing that you love her a little too strongly, and scarce give her much help as an advocate. The matter must be looked into.

Procter's conversation was full of endless delight to his friends. His "asides" were sometimes full of exquisite touches. I remember one evening when Carlyle was present and rattling on against American institutions, half comic and half serious, Procter, who sat near me, kept up a constant underbreath of commentary, taking exactly the other side.

When I was laid in my coffin, Quite done with Time and its fears, My son came and stood beside me He hadn't been home for years; And right on my face came dripping The scald of his salty tears; And I was glad to know his breast Had turned at last to the old home nest, That I said to myself in an underbreath: 'This is the recompense of death. The Sister bore her Corner.

On my return the squire was sour and snappish, I cheerful and complaisant; I grew cold, and he solicitous; he would drink my health with a challenge to heartiness, and I drank to him heartily and he relapsed to a fit of sulks, informing me, that in his time young men knew when they were well off, and asking me whether I was up to any young men's villanies, had any concealed debts perchance, because, if so Oh! he knew the ways of youngsters, especially when they fell into bad hands: the list of bad titles rumbled on in an underbreath like cowardly thunder: well, to cut the matter short, because, if so, his cheque-book was at my service; didn't I know that, eh?