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It was like a corpse artificially convulsed by means of a galvanic battery. The contrast between its superhuman activity and its silence was no less than hideous! Mr. Beeson cowered in his bed. The swarthy little gentleman uncrossed his legs, beat an impatient tattoo with the toe of his boot and consulted a heavy gold watch. The old man sat erect and quietly laid hold of the revolver. Bang!

He held her by the shoulders and peered into her face, then put both arms about her and drew her to him. She, who had so far made no motions of her own, now uncrossed her arms and daintily touched him in turn. She put both her palms flat upon his breast; next on his thighs, next, being within the circle of his arms, she put up her hands and cupped his face.

The man was hunched up, slouching, his legs crossed, his elbows seeking support against his body; he held his clumsily folded paper close to his eyes. He had the appearance of being very myopic, but he did not wear glasses. As I watched him, he began to fidget. He uncrossed his legs and hunched his body deeper into the back of his seat.

He uncrossed his legs deliberately, drooped hat in hand, and came paddling over; apologized indolently, and said, 'I am not, I believe, trespassing on the grounds of Tourdestelle, Madame la Marquise! 'You happen to be in my boat, M. le Comte, said Renee. 'Permit me, madame. He had set one foot on shore, with his back to Beauchamp, and reached a hand to assist her step into the boat.

Young women, however, were not all impervious to him, and uncrossed their feet and became consciously unconscious of him across street-car aisles.

Uncle Peter looked round arter her, an' then he says to Albert, 'I dunno's I rightly remember who that is!" The parson uncrossed his legs and crossed them the other way. The old lady began to seem to him a thought too discursive, if not hilarious. "I know so many of the people in the various parishes" he began, but he was interrupted without compunction. "You never'd know me. I'm from out West.

Scorrier, sir who went out for us." These sentences were murmured in a way suggestive of their uncommon value. The director uncrossed his legs, and bowed. Scorrier also bowed, and Hemmings, leaning back, slowly developed the full resources of his waistcoat. "So you are going out again, Scorrier, for the other side? I tell Mr. Scorrier, sir, that he is going out for the enemy.

For all the superiority constantly manifested by her in her relations with Francis, the feeling was never absent from her that he was of a race above her own; and now the visage of the young officer in her father's old regiment never, any more than that of her play-fellow, rose in her mind's eye uncrossed by the livid mark of her whip from the temple down the cheek!

The stranger took no notice of the burgomaster's wife he was making a vow to Saint Nicolas; which done, having uncrossed his arms with the same solemnity with which he crossed them, he took up the reins of his bridle with his left-hand, and putting his right hand into his bosom, with the scymetar hanging loosely to the wrist of it, he rode on, as slowly as one foot of the mule could follow another, thro' the principal streets of Strasburg, till chance brought him to the great inn in the market-place over-against the church.

The Dominie groaned deeply, uncrossed his legs, drew in the huge splay foot which his former posture had extended, placed it perpendicularly, and stretched the other limb over it instead, puffing out between whiles huge volumes of tobacco smoke. 'What needs ye groan, Dominie? I am sure Meg's sangs do nae ill.