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But he was always too much ashamed to begin to drink before the child: he hated to uncork the bottle before him. What followed was in regular Sunday routine. "Gang ower to Mistress Croale's, Gibbie," he said, "wi' my compliments." Away ran Gibbie, nothing loath, and at his knock was admitted. Mistress Croale sat in the parlour, taking her tea, and expecting him. She was always kind to the child.

Here and there the river was completely blocked by fallen trees. The guides called it bouchee, "corked," and leaped out gayly into the water with their axes to "uncork" it. We passed through some pretty lakes, unknown to the map-makers, and arrived, before sundown, at the Lake of the Bear, where we were to spend a couple of days.

Combined with hydrogen, nitrogen forms ammonia, which is still often called by its old name volatile alkali; one of the most powerful bodies in existence, and one for which you would very soon learn to entertain a proper respect, if somebody were to uncork a bottle of it under your nose.

Unfortunately I had not at first known that it was she whom I had encountered, and now there were obvious difficulties in the way of my applying my saturated gauze to her nose. "Be still!" I commanded, trying to uncork my vial, with a single hand. "Be still. No harm will come to you." Her reply was a well-placed thrust of her two old knees which nearly sent me through the glass.

And when I saw a dark figure emerging from the porch to meet me, I prepared to let myself go and uncork all that was fizzing in the mind. "Jeeves!" I said. "It is I, Bertie." The voice which spoke sounded like warm treacle, and even if I had not recognized it immediately as that of the Bassett, I should have known that it did not proceed from the man I was yearning to confront.

Sequin absently, with her eye on the befuddled butler who was trying to uncork a bottle with a screwdriver, "Let Flathers I mean Benson do that, John, and you take these bags. So sorry I can't go up with you myself, Don, but the cotillion is just beginning, and I have to see to the favors." "That's right, don't bother about me, I'll get into some decent togs and be down again in a little while."

Occasionally the thirst of an old-time compositor would get the better of him and he would uncork a bottle. The experiment was never repeated. Think of half a dozen cases of whisky remaining unmolested in a printing office for more than two years.

Was it because he never tried to uncork himself? Oh, no! It was about this time that he, one day, put his arm round Clara, the servant not passionately, but with deliberation, as if he were making an experiment with machinery. He then listened, as if to hear Clara ticking.

One day when he was in the room he said, with a laugh, alluding to the letter, 'I'll uncork that young Brandy-flask before long." "Well the notice of my death appeared in the English papers." Frank looked earnestly at him. "And I accept it, and go under an assumed name." "So do I. It is better." "You thought Langhetti alive. Do you think he is?" "I do not think so now." "Why not?"

Poor Ibrahim's weeping eyes must be relieved at once, and he would produce the bottle, uncork it, and hold it over Ibrahim's face as he writhed and screamed and twisted in his bonds. "'What ails thee, Ibrahim the Weeper? he would coo. 'Thou knowest it is a soothing lotion. Didst thou not see me use it on mine own eyes? Yea, he was true Pathan then, and I loved him the more.